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Update: Member concerns

17 October 2018

Members in Correctional Primary Health Services (CPHS) have raised multiple concerns, including; medication management and the leadership structure within the service.

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) have met with the Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU) who represents some of the Correctional Officers, United Voice (UV) were invited but could not attend.

CPSU General Secretary Tom Lynch (to discuss matter with UV) to discuss industrial action, if, moving forward, this is required in order to achieve an outcome. Nurses at CPHS are now in their seventh year of waiting for a solution to their medication management issues.

ANMF have been told that documents have been provided to a steering committee who will now make a ruling and if this is successful the matter will be moved to a business case to apply for the necessary funding.

The ANMF have been doing everything possible in order to make it known to; State-wide Mental Health Services, the Tasmanian Health Service (THS) and Human Resources that this matter is now urgent and Nurses in CPHS are ready to take industrial cction if this is required in order to achieve an outcome.

The ANMF await to hear from State-wide Mental Health Services regarding the progression of the process that is looking at the state-wide Mental Health leadership model.

A meeting will be held with members on 30 October to discuss the progress of these matters.