Media Release: ANMF to sign new agreement with Government today

12 August 2019

Media Release: ANMF to sign new agreement with Government today

Today ANMF will be signing the agreed upon 12 month wages agreement with the government that will see all nurses and midwives receive a total of 2.35% pay rise.   During the negotiation process ANMF also secured a number of conditions that will aide retention and recruitment of nurses in Tasmania.

“The extra conditions secured by the ANMF will enable nurses and midwives greater access to permanent positions as they move through the career structure. They will also allow greater support for graduate nurses beginning their careers and will offer better overall support and in turn retain nurses and midwives in the Tasmanian health service.” said ANMF Branch Secretary Emily Shepherd.

ANMF has made the decision to register an agreement that passes on wages rises and back pay to nurses and midwives immediately.  Work will continue to add the remaining conditions to the current agreement over the coming weeks.

“ANMF did not want to delay wages raises, pack pay and one off payments to members while the technicalities of other conditions are worked through” said Ms Shepherd “ we expect that the conditions secured will be added to the agreement. In the near future”

The agreement only has a span of 12 months, this means that negotiations for a new agreement will continue immediately after its registration this Wednesday.

“ANMF is confident that the government will now continue to negotiate in good faith moving forward and we hope to come to a quick resolution to negotiations that will see nurses and midwives working in the public sector further recognised and retained to ensure that adequate  health services can be delivered to the Tasmanian Public”. Said Ms Shepherd.

A MEDIA conference will be held today after the signing of the agreement to discuss the new agreement and negotiations moving forward.

Where: ANMF Office 182 Macquarie Street
When: 1400
Contact: 0400 884 021
Who: Emily Shepherd, ANMF Branch Secretary

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Media contact:
Andrew Brakey, Executive Director
Mobile: 0427 385 501

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