22 August 2019

The ANMF met with members on 6 August to evaluate the effectiveness of solutions implemented by the Nurse Unit Manager (NUM) in addressing the Step 1 Grievance. Members acknowledged some progress. However, the progress has not fully resolved workload concerns. Members agreed to proceed to a Step 2 Grievance.

A subsequent request was received from the Director of Nursing (DoN) seeking a temporary stay on the Grievance to allow further action on solutions. ANMF Organiser, Noni Morse met with Maxine Munting and Hayley Elmer on 15 August to discuss this.

The ANMF have agreed to a two week stay until 23 August provided that a written response detailing outcomes is received by this time. A joint management/ANMF meeting is scheduled for 29 August 2019 to discuss progress and evaluate outcomes. A decision on whether to proceed or not with the Step 2 Grievance will be finalised at this meeting.