Enterprise Agreement Updates
From the private and aged care sectors
We are frequently updating information regarding enterprise agreements from private and aged care sites across Tasmania so our members can stay informed.
Australian Red Cross Blood Service
The third bargaining meeting is scheduled for 31 October 2019. The employer has circulated a log of claims, which includes removing the cap on DSNA staffing levels, removing qualifications allowance, and changing the minimum shift length to 5 hours.
Bolton Clark
The ANMF met with the employer on 15 October 2019. The employer refused to make any financial improvements to the offer rejected by members at ballot. The ANMF has requested more detailed financial information, and will meet with the employer again in November 2019.
Calvary Health Care Tasmania
The ANMF will meet with the employer on 1 November 2019. The employer has committed to responding to the ANMF’s log of claims at this meeting.
Masonic Care Tasmania
The ANMF met with the employer on 15 October 2019. The employer committed to extending paid parental leave to non-nursing employees in the south, and to align redundancy provisions across the state. The employer did not agree to increase personal leave for non-nursing members in the south, and has not yet made a wage offer.
May Shaw
The employer is preparing draft agreements for the ANMF to review.
Regional Imaging
The ANMF has sent the endorsed log of claims to the employer.
Respect Aged Care
The ANMF will meet with the employer on 14 November 2019.
Southern Cross Care
The ANMF has sent the endorsed log of claims to the employer.
Uniting AgeWell
The employer has applied to the Fair Work Commission for approval of the agreement.
Hobart Clinic
The ANMF has asked the employer to improve its wage offer.
Huon Regional Care
The ANMF is meeting with members to discuss the employer’s improved offer.
Salvation Army Barrington Lodge
The ANMF is awaiting the employer’s response to concerns raised by members.
South Eastern Community Care
The ANMF will meet with members in the coming weeks to discuss the employer’s offer.
Eskleigh Nurses
The employer is reviewing its offer following the change in management.
Medea Park
ANMF members have agreed to accept the employer’s wage offer. The ANMF is continuing to discuss employment conditions with the employer.
The agreement was made when a majority of employees approved it at ballot.
The Eye Hospital
The ANMF has asked the employer to improve its offer.
Healthe Care North West Private Hospital
The Fair Work Commission has improved the agreement.
The ANMF has asked the employer to improve its offer.
Updates correct as at 30 October 2019
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary