
The ANMF Tasmanian Branch is led by a Council of members and referred to as Branch Council and Branch Executive. On this page you can learn more about our Council, Executive Positions and who holds these positions.

  • What is the Branch Council?

Branch Council is the highest policy and decision-making body of ANMF (Tas Branch). Council positions are voluntary and elected from and by the ANMF membership. Branch Council consists of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Executive members and Council members

Branch Council Objectives

  1. Provide leadership and set strategic objectives of the Branch.
  2. Oversee management’s implementation of the Branch’s strategic objectives and its performance generally.
  3. Approve operating budgets and major capitol expenditure.
  4. Oversee the integrity of the Branch’s accounting and corporate reporting systems including the external audit.
  5. Oversee the Branch’s processes for making timely, reasonable and balanced disclosure of information to its members.
  6. Ensure the Branch has in place an appropriate risk management framework and monitors the assessed risks.
  7. Monitor the effectiveness of the Branch’s governance practices.
  8. Promote and protect the interest of members.
  9. Provide professional and industrial leadership for the nursing and midwifery industry and the health sector.
  10. Lead and support our network of Workplace Representatives and have an active role in recruitment and retention of members.
  • What is the Branch Executive Committee?

Branch Executive Committee consists of  Executive members, the President, Vice President and Secretary. The Executive Committee has a delegated duty from the Branch Council to have a more in-depth oversight of the operational functions of the Branch. The Executive Committee regularly reports to the Branch Council.

Branch Executive Objectives

  1. Review and scrutinise detailed Branch financial reports expanding on details of purchases and account transactions.
  2. Oversee Human Resource decisions of the Branch such as staffing movements, role descriptions, salaries, allowances, terms and conditions of employment, employee professional development, grievances.
  3. Review operational proposals and recommendations relating to service delivery, infrastructure, organisational structure of the Branch.
  4. Review the Branch’s contracts, agreements and suppliers list annually.
  5. Review all Educational Grant applications made by members.
  6. Review all hardship benefit payments/waivers of fees applications made by members.
  7. Act as selection panel for the ANMF Workplace Representative of the Year Award.
  8. Approve or deny procurement of goods or services exceeding $3,000 in accordance with the Branch’s Tendering and Procurement Policy.
  • ANMF (Tasmanian Branch) Scheduled Election 2024/99

Download the Branch Council & Executive Committee information flyer
Further information about elected positions can be found in the ANMF Rules here
View the Election Notice for Scheduled Election 2024/99
View the Nomination Form for the Scheduled Election 2024/99
View information about Officer Elections Flyer