

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation Tasmanian Branch (ANMF) has today received an improved offer from the Tasmanian State Government following endorsement by members to submit a counter proposal to the 29 November offer. The four year offer includes an extra salary increment for Grade 3 to Grade 9 nurses and midwives to assist in recruitment and retention (enrolled nurses will remain some of the best paid in the country with this package) and has addressed a number of key priorities for ANMF members.

The ANMF would like to congratulate members on this improved offer. Which is the result of a lengthy campaign to improve the starting offer from 2% with no additional conditions or entitlements, to the offer received today. The full offer can be read here.  The below is a summary of what is included.



Term of the Agreement

The offer is based on an agreement for a period of four (4) years.

Wage Rise

The wage rise offered is in line with what has been offers to other public sector unions:

  • 2.3% per annum with back pay to the first full pay period on or after (ffppooa) 1 December 2019
  • 2.3% per annum with effect from the ffppooa 1 December 2020
  • 2.35% per annum with effect from the ffppooa 1 December 2021
  • 2.35% per annum with effect from the ffppooa 1 December 2022
Additional Salary Increments

All nurses and midwives Grade 3 and above will have an additional salary increment added to the top end of their increments which equates to approximately an additional 1% salary increase from the date the agreement is registered.

Professional Development Allowance

The professional development allowance will increase to $750. In the fourth year $250 of the $750 will be added to base salary. The cash component of the PDA will then be $500 going forward.


Agreement to pilot the ANUM role without a patient load (nursing hours to be backfilled) at the North West Regional Hospital for the first 24 months of the agreement with consideration of further extension.

Day Worker Overtime Rates

Day workers who undertake overtime to provide clinical care will be paid at double time from the commencement of the overtime. This will apply to all clinical areas that relate to surgical services.

Grade 8 and Grade 9 On-call

Grade 8 and Grade 9 Nurses and Midwives will be paid at a minimum of one hour at base salary for taking phone calls while on-call after hours.

12 Hour Shifts and Meal Breaks

12 hours shifts will include two paid meal breaks of 20 minutes. Previously these breaks were unpaid.

Statuary Declarations for Personal Leave

Allow a statuary declaration to be used where it is not practical for an employee to provide a medical certificate or other acceptable documentation.

Recall from Annual Leave

An employee will now be able to decline any requests to return to work from recreation leave. If the employee chooses to return, they will be paid at double time on their first shift and any remaining annual leave will be re-credited.

Meal Allowance

An increase in the travel meal allowance will be provided with an amendment to the Award. The increase will mean an increase in the kilometers required to travel to 60km.

Leave Arrangements

Re-crediting of Recreation Leave and Parental Leave where compassionate or bereavement conditions apply.


Employer superannuation contributions will be paid during unpaid Parental Leave in first 12 months and for employees on workers compensation.

Family Friendly

Paid Parental Leave to increase from 14 to 16 weeks and Paid Partner Leave to increase from 1 to 3 weeks paid leave.

Non-Agreement Matters

Review of Fixed Term Employment

In the first 12 months of the agreement a review of fixed term employment will be undertaken to assess suitability for nurses, midwives and care workers to transition to permanence within the Tasmanian Health Service.

What is the process from here?

The Tasmanian Government have requested a response by 23 December 2019 or the offer will be removed. As such the ANMF will need to email the ballot to members elected preferred email address. A subsequent text message will be sent to members elected mobile phone numbers to advise when the email has been sent. Please check your ‘other’ folder in Microsoft outlook if you have not received the email when alerted via text.

If it is not in your ‘other’ folder, please contact the Tasmanian Health Service (THS) IT department in the first instance, as there appear to be filters blocking ANMF emails to members on the THS end.

Alternatively you can call the ANMF to advise of an alternate email address and mobile number, or request a hard copy ballot paper. All members are encouraged to update their contact details immediately if they have been changed to ensure that you are able to have your say. You can do this online here.

The ballot will open on Tuesday 17 December 2019 on close on Monday 23 December 2019 at 0900hrs as set by Tasmanian State Government. The results will be communicated to members via newsflash on Tuesday 24 December 2019. Should the offer be accepted the agreement will be drafted and lodged with the Tasmanian Industrial Commission. It is unlikely that this will occur prior to the New Year.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact our Member Support Team on (03) 6223 6777 or 1800 001 241 (if outside Hobart). Alternatively, email

Print the summary here
Read the past offer here
update your member details here

Correct as at 17 December 2019
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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