Enterprise Agreement Updates
From the private and aged care sectors
We are frequently updating information regarding enterprise agreements from private and aged care sites across Tasmania so our members can stay informed.
Australian Red Blood Cross Service
The next negotiation is scheduled for Thursday 12 December. A membership update will be provided shortly after this date.
Bolton Clark
The next negotiation is scheduled for Thursday 12 December. Lengthy negotiations have not produced any progress for a nationwide Enterprise Agreement. A membership update will be provided shortly after this date.
Calvary Health Care Tasmania
ANMF have met with members regarding the proposed combined draft agreement by CHCT. ANMF is writing to CHCT management detailing member concerns with the draft and will seek to schedule further negotiations for early January.
Masonic Care Tasmania
ANMF have communicated this week with MCT requesting an update on the wage offer that was to be provided by management following the November Board meeting. We are currently waiting on a response to this communication.
Regional Imaging
Rollover agreement currently in place. The ANMF will be contacting employer in the new year requesting bargaining re-commence.
Respect Aged Care
ANMF is currently waiting on Respect managements wage offer for a proposed rollover agreement. Once the wage offer is received member meetings will be scheduled to discuss options with members.
Huon Regional Care (HRC) – Nurses
Following the successful vote for the proposed enterprise agreement, the employer will now lodge the agreement with the Fair Work Commission. The ANMF will be conducting member meetings at all sites in the coming weeks.
Huon Regional Care (HRC) – Non-Nurses
Membership voted against the proposed enterprise agreement. Negotiations will need to re-commence. A protected action ballot is currently taking place with the Australian Electoral Commission. The ANMF will be conducting member meetings at all sites in the coming weeks.
Menarock (The Gardens)
The ANMF continues to bargain with the employer.
Hobart Clinic
The ANMF met with the new Hobart Clinic bargaining team on 5 December 2019. The employer voiced a commitment to address a shortfall in wage parity and addressing workload and conditions for staff. A member meeting has been scheduled for 17 December to discuss the new offer from the employer.
Salvation Army Barrington Lodge
The ANMF is scheduling member meetings to discuss progress on the negotiations.
South Eastern Community Care
The ANMF met with the employer on 10 December and has asked for a revised wage offer before Christmas.
Hobart Day Surgery
The ANMF are meeting with members on 11 December with a view to finalise the log of claims.
Tasmanian Aboriginal Corporation
The enterprise agreement has been approved by membership and has been lodged at the Fair Work Commission.
Eskleigh Nurses
The Employer has proposed further amendments to the Enterprise Agreement that were not included in its log of claims. The majority of the employers amendments have been rejected, unless they relate to drafting issues or are more advantageous to employees.
Medea Park
The ANMF have made a counter – offer and are currently waiting for a response from the employer. Membership will be contacted as soon as a response is received.
The Employer failed to lodge the approved Enterprise Agreement with the Fair Work Commission. The ANMF have asked the employer to re-commence the access period. If the employer does acquiesce to this request, the ANMF will look to lodge a bargaining order at the Fair Work Commission.
The Eye Hospital
The ANMF met with members on Friday 6 December. The ANMF has requested bargaining re-commence following a failure to agree to terms. The ANMF have issued a new proposal to the employer. The ANMF will be in touch with members once a response is received from the employer.
The ANMF met with the employer on 5 December 2019. The employer is adamant that it cannot financially sustain paid meal breaks for the term of the new enterprise agreement. The ANMF advised the employer that our members would not agree to the removal of the paid meal breaks. The employer is therefore revising its offer. The ANMF will be in contact with members as soon as we receive the employer’s new proposal.
Updates correct as at 12 December 2019.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary