Enterprise Agreement Updates
From the private and aged care sectors
We are frequently updating information regarding enterprise agreements from private and aged care sites across Tasmania so our members can stay informed.
Respect Aged Care
ANMF is currently waiting on Respect managements wage offer for a proposed rollover agreement. Once the wage offer is received in the New Year member meetings will be scheduled to discuss options with members.
Masonic Care Tasmania (MCT)
ANMF have communicated again with MCT prior to Christmas requesting an update on the wage offer that was to be provided by management following the November Board meeting. We are currently waiting on a response to this communication. Should a response not be forthcoming ANMF will schedule members meetings to discuss processes for moving the negotiations on.
ANMF have written to Calvary management detailing member concerns with the draft agreement presented at negotiations held on 1 November 2019. Calvary have confirmed a second negotiation meeting for Friday 14 February 2020. In our correspondence to Calvary we have sort assurances that, given the long delays in negotiations, Calvary would commit to a back paid offer. ANMF is now awaiting for Calvary’s formal response.
Following months of delay with bargaining Eskleigh management, on 31 October 2019, presented ANMF with a draft enterprise agreement that had un-negotiated changes included from the agreed bargaining position from back in March 2019. In April 2019 ANMF was advised that the new management had taken over Eskleigh and a request was made to review the EA negotiations to date. At no stage in the six months that followed to receiving the email on 31 October was ANMF informed that Eskleigh were going to make last minute un-negotiated changes to the draft agreement. ANMF have corresponded with Eskleigh management just prior to the Christmas break and will be meeting with members on Thursday 9 January at 1030 to discuss Eskleigh current bargaining position.
Medea Park
The ANMF have made a counter – offer and are currently waiting for a response from the employer. Membership will be contacted as soon as a response is received.
The Eye Hospital
The ANMF met with members on Friday 6 December. The ANMF has requested bargaining re-commence following a failure to agree to terms. The ANMF issued a new proposal to the employer and have received a response. A meeting to discuss the response with members has been scheduled for Friday 10 January.
ANMF contacted Toosey management to discuss the non-lodging of the agreement following the successful ballot back in July 2019. Unfortunately Toosey did not lodge the agreement with the Fair Work Commission in the required time frame. As a result the agreement will have to be re-balloted again. ANMF have been advised that this will occur early in 2020, date and times of the ballot will be provided shortly.
May Shaw
On 18 November 2019 ANMF communicated with May Shaw’s bargaining representative regarding the proposed May Shaw nursing agreements for Scottsdale and Swansea. At this point ANMF was expecting May Shaw to put both agreements out to ballot. ANMF further corresponded with May Shaw on 23 December 2019. At the time of print ANMF still does not have a response as to when both agreements will be balloted.
Aged Care Deloraine
Negotiations for the Aged Care Deloraine Inc. Enterprise Agreement 2019 have been finalised and the final document will be distributed in the new year by Aged Care Deloraine Inc. for your consideration prior to a ballot. See attached Newsflash for details.
Updates correct as at 9 January 2020
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary