Enterprise Agreement Updates
From the private and aged care sectors
We are frequently updating information regarding enterprise agreements from private and aged care sites across Tasmania so our members can stay informed.
Masonic Care Tasmania
MCT are refusing to commit to a wage offer prior to the expiry of the existing enterprise agreement. ANMF are considering what action may be taken in the Fair Work Commission in an attempt to facilitate continued bargaining.
Calvary Health Care Tasmania
The first bargaining meeting for a new Agreement at Calvary Health Care Tasmania, was held on 14 February. The ANMF will be scheduling member meetings over the following weeks to take advice and direction on several issues. The ANMF will also circulate an online survey seeking more information from members as feedback indicates that members find attending meetings problematic due to high workloads. However the ANMF really want, and need, your input into the Agreement process.
Southern Cross Care
SCC has indicated that workplace representatives can attend negotiations in paid time. The next meeting is scheduled for March 10 at Glenara Lakes.
revised offer has been received from employer but there are concerns that the ‘offer’ (which the employer wishes to cover both Victoria and Tasmania) does not provide any real new benefit for Tasmanian employees. Given that the ARCBS already has problems recruiting and retaining nursing staff, the ANMF believe the offer needs to be improved in order to satisfy members.
Respect Aged Care
Respect is still interested in a ‘roll over’ agreement to cover employees. This would mean that there would be no change to your conditions of employment, but you would obtain a wage increase. However, this might disadvantage employees working at a facility recently ‘taken over’ by Respect. A further meeting is scheduled for 31 March.
Hobart Clinic
A further discussion about the Enterprise Agreement was held on Tuesday 3 March. It is hoped that a draft agreement will soon be available to take to members for consideration.
Anglicare have opened the door to ongoing negotiation around the stalled 2018 EA process. They have incorporated the undertakings requested by the Fair Work Commission into the document and intend to ‘tidy up’ a number of drafting matters.
Independent of the EA process, Anglicare have also indicated an intention to undertake a ‘roster project’. The ANMF currently have no information as to the extent or scope of this project but will communicate, and confer, with members throughout any discussion.
Barrington Lodge (Salvation Army)
The employer has responded with a new draft. Concerns remain around the removal of both paid meal breaks and some nursing roles from the Agreement. A member meeting will be scheduled next week to discuss the current offer and the fact that the employer has indicated an intention to take the Agreement out to ballot.
Medea Park Nurses
ANMF still waiting for ballot dates and access period. Draft agreements have not been provided.
Eye Hospital
Believing that an Agreement has been reached the ANMF have made several attempts to contact the Bargaining Representaive to seek a copy of the draft agreement for our comment/input. If no response is forthcoming, the ANMF will seek further direction from members.
May Shaw
May Shaw have indicated that they will put the agreement to ballot on February 17, 2020 with the voting period closing on February 26, 2020.
Aged Care Deloraine
The employer is making undertakings for the Aged Care Deloraine Enterprise Agreement 2019 as required by the Fair Work Commission.
Toosey Aged Care
The Agreement has been lodged with the Fair Work Commission.
Tandara Lodge
A survey monkey has closed and the preparation of the log of claims has commenced. ANMF will schedule a member meeting to endorse the log of claims. If you have any matter you believe should be included please email ANMF (membersupport@anmftas.org.au) by no later than COB 11 March 2020 as the log of claims represents the collective wishes of members and it is not possible to change the log at the endorsement meeting.
ANMF advised the employer that their proposal to remove paid meal breaks in the second year of the EA is not acceptable to our members. The employer has indicated an intention to take this matter to the Fair Work Commission for an arbitrated decision (that is, the Commission will decide).
Updates correct as at 4 March 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary