Enterprise Agreement Updates
From the private and aged care sectors
We are frequently updating information regarding enterprise agreements from private and aged care sites across Tasmania so our members can stay informed.
Masonic Care Tasmania (MCT)
MCT are refusing to commit to a wage offer prior to the expiry of the existing enterprise agreement. Further, ANMF have not received the revised draft agreement as MCT indicated would be provided before 13 March 2020. The ANMF are considering what action may be taken in the Fair Work Commission in an attempt to facilitate continued bargaining.
Calvary Health Care Tasmania (CHCT)
The next bargaining meeting with CHCT is yet to be announced although there is a tentative date of 27 March 2020. The ANMF have circulated an online survey seeking more information from members as feedback indicates that members find attending meetings problematic due to high workloads. However, the ANMF want, and need, member input into the Agreement process.
Southern Cross Care
The next meeting is scheduled for April 6 2020. This is likely to take place at the State Office. This may change given the COVID-19 concern.
Australian Red Cross Lifeblood
The ANMF believe the current offer needs to be improved in order to satisfy members and to address crucial issues of recruitment and retention. No further response has been received from the employer. A teleconference was held on Thursday 19 March 2020.
Respect Aged Care
Respect has closed all workplaces to non-essential visitors. The Enterprise Agreement meeting is scheduled for 31 March 2020. However, this meeting may now occur by teleconference.
Hobart Clinic
A near final draft Agreement will soon be available for the ANMF to take to members for consideration.
Anglicare have indicated a desire to complete a roster review. The ANMF met with the employer on Wednesday 18 March 2020, and will have more information about the review shortly.
Barrington Lodge (Salvation Army)
Barrington Lodge has responded with a new draft Agreement. Concerns remain around the removal of both paid meal breaks and some nursing roles from the Agreement. The proposed pay increase is 2.5% each year of the agreement. Members have indicated an unwillingness to support the Agreement in the absence of paid meal breaks. The employer has been advised of this.
A near final draft of the proposed Agreement is currently being reviewed by the ANMF.
Medea Park Nurses
The ANMF have been provided with a draft Agreement. Medea Park had originally proposed a late change to clause 19, termination pay. The ANMF corresponded with Medea Park bargaining requesting that this late change be removed due to it detrimental impact on members. This clause has subsequently been removed. The ANMF now has until 23 March 2020, to review the draft Agreement and provide a response back to Medea Park management.
Eye Hospital
The ANMF have now received a draft Agreement from Cura’s Bargaining Representative. The agreement has been reviewed and the ANMF can confirm that the draft incorporates all the negotiated claims, with amendments made to existing clauses that will assist in Fair Work compliance. The employer has further advised that the Agreement will be put to ballot shortly, further updates with ballot details to follow via an ANMF newsflash.
May Shaw Nursing; Scottsdale and Swansea
The ANMF have written to May Shaw management requesting the finalisation if the Nursing Agreements for Scottsdale and Swansea. May Shaw has responded and indicated that the draft Agreements will be provided to the ANMF in the week ending Friday 13 March 2020. The Agreements have not yet been provided, and the ANMF are now considering a Fair Work bargaining order.
Aged Care Deloraine
The employer is making undertakings for the Aged Care Deloraine Enterprise Agreement 2019 as required by the Fair Work Commission.
Toosey Aged Care
The Agreement has been lodged with the Fair Work Commission.
Tandara Lodge
The next Enterprise Agreement meeting is scheduled for March 26 2020.
The ANMF advised the employer that their proposal to remove paid meal breaks in the second year of the Enterprise Agreement is not acceptable to our members. The employer has indicated an intention to take this matter to the Fair Work Commission for an arbitrated decision (that is, the Commission will decide). The ANMF are still awaiting information about this proposal.
Updates correct as at 18 March 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary