• Northern Updates

    From the public sector

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Launceston General Hospital (LGH) Update

Ward 4K

On the 13 February 2020, the ANMF met with members working on Ward 4K at the Launceston General Hospital. Discussions centred on the response from the Tasmanian Health Service (THS) in respect to an earlier letter sent from the ANMF regarding redeployment. Whilst members welcomed the opportunity to review and develop an updated version of the guide to assist decision making for redeployment, they feel their original concerns have not been addressed. The ANMF will again write to the THS on behalf of members to raise these concerns. The ANMF will also develop workload forms for members to complete on a shift by shift basis to capture data that has been requested by the THS.

Ward 5A

On the 30 January 2020, the ANMF met with members on Ward 5A to discuss progress of the Step 2 Workload Grievance. Following this, the ANMF wrote to the THS to advise that members had requested additional resources of the Clinical Coach and six staff rostered on the night shift to remain in place until the skill mix issues stabilise. The ANMF, also raised members workload concerns regarding the absence of a pathology collector on weekend shifts. A response to this letter has been requested by 11 March 2020. The ANMF will provide a report back to members once a response has been received.

Updates correct as at 4 March 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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