
Catch up on the latest news and updates from the ANMF. Here you will find information relating to the public sector in north western Tasmania.

North West Regional Hospital (NWRH)

Medical Ward Step 2 Grievance

ANMF officials met with members on the Medical Ward on 20 January 2020 to review the Step 1 Grievance response. Members continue to have concerns regarding sustained and excessive workloads and endorsed raising a Step 2 Grievance. The ANMF will attend a specialist panel meeting on 6 March 2020 to address members concerns. We will schedule a feedback meeting to keep members informed with details about when and where to come soon. Read the full newsflash here. 

Medical Oncology Unit Step 2 Grievance

The ANMF have formally raised a Step 2 Grievance on behalf of members working at the North West Regional Hospital Medical Oncology Ward and are still awaiting a response. We will schedule a member meeting once a response has been received at which time further direction from members will be sought.

Mersey Community Hospital (MCH)

Medical Day Procedure – Oncology Unit Step 2 Grievance

ANMF officials met with Tasmanian Health Service (THS) management on 28 February 2020 to explore options in an attempt to resolve the Step 2 Workload Grievance. The ANMF will schedule a report back meeting with members soon to review the findings from this discussion and to seek further direction.

Medical Ward  Step 3 Grievance

ANMF officials met with members working on the Medical Ward on 21 January 2020 to review the response to the Step 2 Grievance. Members continue to have concerns regarding sustained and excessive workloads and endorsed the grievance be progressed. Formal notification of a Step 3 grievance is in process and we will have more information for members following it’s submission. Read the full newsflash here.

Mersey Leven Community Nursing

ANMF officials met with members working at Mersey Leven Community Nursing on 7 January 2020 to discuss professional and industrial issues. Members raised several issues including roster shortfalls and excessive workloads. Members endorsed a Step 1 Grievance. As a result, the ANMF have scheduled a member meeting on 4 March 2020 to review the grievance response and seek further direction from members. Read the full newsflash here.

Smithton District Hospital

ANMF officials met with members working at Smithton District Hospital on 22 January 2020 to discuss professional and industrial issues. Members raised several issues including excessive workloads. As a result, we have formally raised a Step 1 Grievance on behalf of members and a response has been received. The ANMF will schedule a member meeting to discuss the response and seek further direction from members.

King Island District Hospital

The ANMF have been contacted by members working at King Island District Hospital and are in thefinal stages of scheduling a members meeting to be held on the island. Once a date has been secured, members will be notified of the meeting via email or text. If you have any queries in the lead up to the meeting being scheduled, please contact our Member Support Team.

Updates correct as at 4 March 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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