
Catch up on the latest news and updates from the ANMF. Here you will find updates relating to the Tasmanian Health Service.

Tasmanian Health Service Governance Update

On 2 March 2020 the Tasmanian Health Service (THS) implemented the new THS Governance Structure. This new structure will see streamlined reporting from each of the regions through the local Hospital CEO (previously Executive Director of Operations) in the North/North West and South of the state. However, this will also see the abolishment of the state wide EDON role.

The ANMF have met with the Department of Health Secretary, Katherine Morgan-Wicks to express disappointment at the loss of the state wide EDON role and to advocate for the representation of nursing and midwifery at the THS Executive. The Secretary of Health has indicated that it is not the intention of THS to downgrade the nursing and midwifery influence at THS Executive level, in fact it is the opposite and several opportunities will open up in the coming weeks with regard to the Executive Sub-Committees and also the Clinical Advisory Groups to allow nurses and midwives to be a part of the new Executive structure.

The ANMF will ensure that members are kept up to date on the process that will be undertaken in the coming weeks in order to obtain membership on the Clinical Advisory Groups and the Executive Sub-Committees.

Updates correct as at 4 March 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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