Enterprise Agreement Updates
From the private and aged care sectors
We are frequently updating information regarding enterprise agreements from private and aged care sites across Tasmania so our members can stay informed.
Masonic Care Tasmania
The ANMF has received correspondence from MCT that the 4 draft agreements that were due to be presented to ANMF for review on 13 march will now be delayed until 30 April 2020 due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. The ANMF will correspond with MCT and ask that if at that time they could also update the agreements with a wage offer that was to be presented on 12 June. Further updates to follow.
The ANMF will review the existing North and South agreements against the draft when this has been provided. Calvary has asked for a hold on negotiations.
Southern Cross Care
A meeting is scheduled for 6 April, this meeting to be held as either a video or teleconference.
Australian Red Cross Blood Service
Negotiations are continuing with a view to the new combined Victorian/Tasmanian agreement being put to the vote as a matter of priority. Lifeblood have conceded the ANMF request that the backpay for the 2% wage increase be paid to employees within a month of a successful vote to put additional money in the pockets of employees now rather than upon approval of the Agreement in the Fair Work Commission (given the existing delays in the FWC due to COVID 19 this could be many months away). The ANMF have also secured an extra week of annual leave for all employees including DSNA’s and EN’s over the course of 5 years. This will bring the annual leave entitlement in line with the Modern Award. Personal leave has been increased to 20 days per year. Penalty rates for Tasmanian employees for Sundays will be 175% which is in line with the Modern Award entitlement. Although Lifeblood does not currently operate on Sundays, it is contemplated that this will commence once the plasma service is expanded.
The ANMF met with Respect management via Google Zoom, on 31 March for further discussions regarding the enterprise agreement. The ANMF will formally present it’s LOC at this meeting. Further update will be provided to members following this meeting.
South East Community Care
The ANMF are contacting the employer to continue with negotiations.
Healthscope nurses
Following substantial feedback from members through the survey a log of claims has been prepared by the ANMF. This log will shortly be provided to members with a member survey for endorsement.
Glenview nurses
The ANMF will contact Workplace Reps and consult with members regarding the employers offer.
The employer wants to rewrite the agreement to be more readable.
Hobart Clinic
The ANMF have received the final offer from the employer. Members are likey to be happy with this offer. Awaiting ballot dates.
The ANMF to contact the employer to commence negotiations.
Hobart Day Surgery nurses
The employer has requested negotiations be postponed for 1 week due to the COVID 19 pandemic.
Corumbene nurses
The ANMF to review the EA update. The employer has asked for negotiations to be post-poned for 1 week due to COVID 19 pandemic.
Salvation Army nurses
The employer offered to grandfather paid meal breaks for current members. They want to remove some positions from the EA – The ANMF to set up a teleconference with members to discuss this. The ANMF will review the overtime clause from the Victorian EA. Still awaiting draft EA. The ANMF to write to the employer.
Menarock The Gardens nurses
The Employer wants to remove some nursing positions from the EA. The ANMF have replied to the employer raising concerns with the offer. The employer has requested that negotiations be post-poned for 1 week due to the COVID 19 pandemic.
May Shaw Swansea Nursing and General Staff;
The ANMF is still pursuing May Shaw management for date on when draft agreements will be received these workplaces. Further updates to follow.
Eskleigh Nurses
On 13 March the ANMF received a draft nursing agreement for review. The ANMF have review the agreement and provided a response back to management requesting details for when the agreement will be put to a vote of staff.
May Shaw Scottsdale Nursing
On Wednesday 18 March 2020 May Shaw management provided the ANMF with draft agreement to review for nursing staff at Scottsdale. The ANMF is currently reviewing the terms of the agreement to determine if they are in line with negotiated outcomes. Further updates will be provided once this review is complete, The ANMF is expediating the review given long delays in the process to date.
Medea Park
On Friday 20 March the ANMF received a draft agreement from Medea Park for review. The ANMF have now completed a review of the draft and note several existing agreement clauses have been amended that are not reflective of the negotiated outcome. The ANMF have written back to Medea Park requesting that amendments are made to the draft before presenting it to staff for a vote. Please click here to read more details in the latest ANMF Newsflash.
LCGS nurses
Negotiations have concluded and the employer is currently preparing the draft agreement for approval. The Australian Education Union currently has a protected action ballot on foot. It is not known at this stage if any industrial action will be taken.
The Eye Hospital nurses
Awaiting ballot dates.
The Log of Claims has been drafted and will need to be endorsed by members.
Tandara Lodge general
The endorsed log of claims has been provided by the ANMF to the employer and the first bargaining meeting was to occur last week. Given the current COVID-19 pandemic, the employer has requested that the bargaining meeting be conducted off site in May.
Updates correct as at 1 April 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary