

Healthscope have committed to supporting all staff, including casuals, through the COVID-19 lockdown. They are planning to restart elective surgery from 27th April 2020 or soon after as approved by the Federal Government. The ANMF continue to advocate for and work with members of Healthscope during this uncertain period.

Midlands Multi-Purpose Centre

The ANMF have received correspondence from management finalising some outstanding after hours security matters. As a result of member concerns and the ANMF letter, management have taken the following steps:

  • Invited the THS Occupational Violence and Aggression Advisor to the facility to support staff
  • Followed up and reviewed procedures regarding iPM patient alerts and staff security after hours
  • Reviewed and improved procedures regarding Plan of Care for after-hours presentations
  • Scheduled a debrief and ongoing support for staff about these matters when suitable
  • Reviewed after hours security arrangements
  • Management have referred the episode for broader review by Primary Health Management meeting

The ANMF will be in contact with members soon to provide ongoing support and assistance with this and other matters.

Australian Red Cross Blood Service (ARCBS)

The ANMF have corresponded with management on behalf of members regarding the COVID-19 precautions in place at the Hobart facility. As a result ARCBS have reviewed and clarified matters to the satisfaction of members.

Updates correct as at 29 April 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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