
Mental health services

Psychiatric Emergency Nurses (PENs) at RHH

The ANMF received the feedback response for the Mental Health Short Stay Unit (MHSSU) Change Proposal on 28 April 2020. Following this, we have spoken with PEN members as well as members from the Emergency Department (ED). A unanimous decision was made by members to write to South, Chris Fox. The letter was sent on 7 May 2020, and expresses member’s disappointment in the failure to take their concerns into account.

The letter once again raised members concerns and requested more information around the basis of the decision to continue to move forward with the plan for the MHSSU as per the original proposal. The ANMF received a response to this letter on Wednesday 13 May 2020. Members were provided with the details of this response and a unanimous decision was made by members to have the matter raised in the Tasmanian Industrial Commission (TIC). An application has now been made. We will advise members of the details of this further when available.

Inpatient Mental Health Services at RHH

A new change proposal titled, ‘Proposed Revised Department of Psychiatry (DoP) Management and Patient Flow Structure’ was received by the ANMF on 1 May 2020. This proposal affects all inpatient units including; PENs, Clozapine Clinic, Department of Psychiatry (DoP) – to be called Mental Health Inpatient Unit (MHIU) -Mistral Place, ECT Services, Consultation Liaison Psychiatry, and Mental Health Hospital in The Home (MHHiTH).

The ANMF attended an information session on 7 May 2020. Following this, we requested member feedback via phone or email on the change proposal. A face to face meeting took place on Friday 22 May 2020 and a further meeting is scheduled with Mental Health Hospital in the Home on Thursday 28 May 2020. Feedback is due Friday 29 May 2020. If there is anything you wish to raise, please don’t hesitate to contact with our Member Support Team.

Mental Health Hospital in the Home

The ANMF will be meeting with members of Mental Health Hospital in The Home (MHHiTH) on Thursday 28 May 2020, to discuss matters previously raised in relation to base salary, single nurse visits, late admissions, and study days. The ANMF are also requesting feedback from members around the change proposal which will be relayed back to MHHiTH management. See the Inpatient Mental Health Services update in the above Royal Hobart Hospital section. If you have any concerns you wish to raise and cannot attend the meeting please get in touch with our Member Support Team.

Updates correct as at 27 May 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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