Enterprise Agreement Updates
From the private and aged care sectors
We are frequently updating information regarding enterprise agreements from private and aged care sites across Tasmania so our members can stay informed.
Masonic Care Tasmania (MCT)
The ANMF received correspondence from MCT management advising that they will have a wage offer and draft Agreement by 12 June 2020. Further information will be provided to members on receipt of this information.
Calvary Health Care Tasmania
The ANMF responded to correspondence from Calvary on 29 May 2020. Bargaining will recommence later in June. The ANMF has discussed proposed changes to theatre and endoscopy clauses with members at St John’s and Lenah Valley campuses (theatre members).
Southern Cross Care (Tas) Inc. (SCCT) and Mary’s Grange
All members working at Southern Cross Care Tasmania sites, as well as Mary’s Grange, should now have received a 1% pay increase from their employer (taking your pay rise to 3% from 24 February 2020). It is anticipated that further discussion in relation to a new Enterprise Agreement will continue in or around October 2020.
The ANMF has received the results from our member survey on the Respect offer for a replacement Agreement, unfortunately of the 153 members surveyed, only 20 responded. Of these votes, the decision was tied. The ANMF will now schedule a meeting with Respect management with a view to finalising negotiations. The latest Enterprise Agreement update can be found here.
Family Planning Tasmania
The ANMF is awaiting a proposal from Family Planning Tasmania management which is expected within the next 2 weeks. The ANMF will update members once this proposal has been received.
OneCare Limited Nurses
Management has indicated that they wish to commence full Enterprise Agreement negotiations. A survey has been sent to OneCare members, this survey will close on 17 June 2020. The survey data will assist in drafting a Log of Claims. Further information will be provided to members once this process is complete.
The employer has stated that it will take them some time to form a response to the ANMF Log of Claims. The ANMF will look to engage in consultation with members around the Enterprise Agreement in the coming weeks.
Hobart Day Surgery
The ANMF sent correspondence to the employer on 2 June 2020, advising of the final adjustments requested by members including a further request to consider the wage offer for the final 2 years of the Agreement. Once a response has been received, this will be communicated to members via email.
Hobart Clinic
The Enterprise Agreement has been approved by the Fair Work Commission and comes into effect from 9 June 2020. The ANMF thank all members for their contribution to negotiating this new Agreement.
South Eastern Community Care (SECC)
The ANMF has received correspondence from the employer aimed at progressing Agreement negotiations. A meeting was held on Tuesday 9 June 2020, for members to discuss this plan.
The final Enterprise Agreement negotiation meeting was held on Thursday 4 June 2020, with a final draft Agreement received on Friday 5 June 2020. This will now be reviewed by the ANMF. A substantial Enterprise Agreement update has been drafted comparing the existing Tasmanian Agreement with the new combined Tasmania and Victoria Agreement. The access period is proposed to start this week with the ballot starting on 22 June 2020.
Huon Regional Care General Staff
Members have approved the employer’s Enterprise Agreement via a ballot with a 61 to 47 voting return in favour of the Agreement. Members will receive more information relating to this from the ANMF in the coming days via email.
The 2018 Agreement that was reached is to be redrafted to satisfy the Fair Work Commission. Further discussion is to occur around the issue of the 90 hour fortnight roster which applies to disability workers.
Regional Imaging Tasmania
The ANMF is currently in the process of following up with the employer regarding Enterprise Agreement negotiations. Negotiations have currently stalled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Salvation Army (Barrington Lodge)
The employer lodged their paperwork with the Fair Work Commission on 6 May 2020. The ANMF has replied to the undertakings from the Fair Work Commission, these are due by 15 June 2020.
The employer has lodged the Agreement with the Fair Work Commission. Form 18 was lodged by the ANMF last Thursday. The ANMF is now waiting to hear of any issues arising from the Fair Work Commission.
Menarock (The Gardens)
A bargaining meeting was held last week. Management has taken some of the things the ANMF suggested on board and will be sending a response later this week to staff. Menarock has indicated that they will be sending the Agreement out to a ballot. They have refused to increase the wage offer which sits at 1.8% despite members having had no pay rise for some time.
A bargaining meeting is set for the week starting 15 May 2020. Further updates will be provided to members after this meeting.
The ANMF will be attending a negotiating meeting this week with Corumbene management. An update will be sent to members following this meeting.
Christian Homes
Management has responded to correspondence sent in April 2020, they are currently discussing the Enterprise Agreement process and will respond to the ANMF in the coming weeks.
Queen Victoria Home
Queen Victoria Home has responded to the bargaining letter advising they have a board meeting later in June 2020, they will discuss the Enterprise Agreement at this meeting and get back to the ANMF.
Hobart District Nursing Service
Hobart District Nursing Service has acknowledged receipt of correspondence sent in April 2020, they have advised that at this stage they are not willing to commence Enterprise Agreement negotiations. The ANMF will follow up and then advise members of any updates.
The Eye Hospital (CURA)
The Fair Work Commission has requested CURA to make undertakings in order for the Agreement to be approved. CURA is required to address various items ranging from weekend and shift penalties, public holiday penalties, and allowances that are not in the Agreement but are relevant to the modern award. These matters are part of the Better Off Overall Test (BOOT). BOOT is protection to ensure that the Agreement conditions are no less than the Modern Award. Further updates will be sent to members soon.
Medea Park
The ANMF has a meeting scheduled with Medea Park management on Thursday 11 June 2020. This meeting will be to discuss terms for a 1-year Agreement for Medea Park nurses, in line with details as provided in EA Update 3 which can be found here.
May Shaw Nurses and May Shaw Scottsdale
The ANMF has queried the wage rates with the employer, we are currently awaiting a response and will proceed after this response has been received.
The ANMF has now received a draft nurses’ Agreement that has the correct wage schedule. We are currently reviewing this draft and expect to have a date for an employee ballot by Friday 12 June 2020. On confirmation of the ballot dates, the ANMF will provide a summary newsflash email to members of the agreed conditions for the proposed Agreement.
Launceston Church Grammar School
A draft Agreement has now been received. The ANMF will review this Agreement before relaying details back to members via email. The access period and ballot dates for this Agreement will be confirmed by the employer soon.
The Fair Work Commission has rejected the application to have the Agreement approved. The ANMF is writing to the employer to ask to recommence bargaining and will be surveying members in the near future.
A revised offer will be put to a ballot. The ANMF is waiting for the employer to produce a final draft of the Enterprise Agreement and advise as to access period and ballot dates. The ANMF has confirmed that we would not commit to the removal of paid meal breaks for the next round of bargaining.
Mt St Vincent’s/ Respect
The ANMF has been contacted by Respect who has indicated that they would like to make an application to the Fair Work Commission to cancel the current Agreement which applies to the Mt St Vincent (MSV) site, in order to bring staff under the Respect agreement. The ANMF is currently surveying members on this matter.
Updates correct as at 10 June 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary