Enterprise Agreement Updates
From the private and aged care sectors
We are frequently updating information regarding enterprise agreements from private and aged care sites across Tasmania so our members can stay informed.
Australian Red Cross Blood Service
The latest Agreement is currently out to ballot, with all members encouraged to vote on the offer to ensure that their voices are represented in the bargaining process.
At the time of publication, the ANMF continue to wait for a date from Calvary regarding the next Enterprise Bargaining meeting. We will consult with members across the state following this meeting to provide an update and seek further direction on actions moving forwards. Please keep an eye on your email for further updates.
Masonic Care Tasmania
The ANMF received four draft Agreements from Masonic Care Tasmania (i.e. Agreements for Nursing South, Nursing North, General Staff South and General Staff North). The Agreements have been updated to reflect negotiated outcomes from bargaining that occurred late in 2019, as well as a harmonised redundancy clause (taking the best of the conditions from the 4 current agreements), and standard paid parental and partner leave as per the current nursing Agreements. The proposed wage offer is 1.5%, along with an 18 month timeframe. The ANMF are scheduling meetings with members to discuss this offer and seek direction on a proposed counter offer. Further details will be sent via email regarding meeting times and locations, these will either be held via videoconference or, pending restrictions, face to face on site.
The ANMF met with members to consult on the Enterprise Agreement offer from Respect management. You can read the latest updates sent to members via email newsflash here. The ANMF will now arrange for a follow up meeting with Respect management to discuss a final counter proposal. Further details following this meeting will be relayed to members via email.
Respect Mt St Vincents
The ANMF consulted members at Mt St Vincents regarding Respect’s proposal to transfer Mt St Vincents members onto the current Respect Agreement. The ANMF have written to Respect management advising them that the proposal is not supported by members, unless an agreement can be reached on the preservation of the current Mt St Vincents conditions as these are more beneficial. Further details will be sent to members via email following receipt of correspondence from Respect regarding this matter.
BUPA South Hobart
BUPA South Hobart have proposed a roll over Agreement which maintains the current conditions for a further 12 months, with a wage increase of 3% in July 2020 (already allocated) as well as a 3% increase in July 2021. As part of this roll over Agreement, allowances will be increased by 3% or by CPI. A survey has been sent to members working at BUPA South Hobart to seek their view on the proposal. If you work at this site, please complete the online survey to ensure that your voice is heard. If you did not receive the survey and you have checked your junk email, please get in touch with us.
On 11 June 2020, a video conference was held with members working at Corumbene to discuss the latest offer from management regarding the nurses Agreement. Feedback from members is that the offer, in its present state, will not get a positive vote. Members feel that Corumbene has not listened to them, and that the minimal wage increase of 1.75% will make no real difference to their ability to cover their increased cost of living expenses.
The Glenview Agreement has been lodged with the Fair Work Commission. The ANMF are currently preparing submissions in relation to undertakings required of the employer. The ANMF will report back to members via email the status of the approval process.
Hobart Private
The ANMF are waiting for a response from Hobart Private regarding the Log of Claims. The ANMF encourage members wishing to be involved in the upcoming Enterprise Agreement negotiations to get in touch with us to discuss options available to you. To contact us, please click here.
The Hobart District Nurses
The ANMF have circulated a survey to all ANMF members working at the Hobart District Nurses to commence the Enterprise Bargaining process. The ANMF will be touching base with Workplace Representatives shortly to deliver assets and information to assist them with this process and discuss steps moving forward.
Hobart Day Surgery
The ANMF met with Hobart Day Surgery management on 18 June 2020 to discuss a draft agreement. The ANMF will consult with members in the coming weeks, seeking approval to proceed with the agreement as negotiated.
South Eastern Community Care
The ANMF conducted a meeting with members at South Eastern Community Care on 9 June 2020. The meeting was to consult with members prior to the ballot process commencing. At this meeting, the general consensus was that the wage offer was insufficient with members expressing their intention to consider a NO vote at ballot.
The Eye Hospital (CURA)
The Fair Work Commission has requested that the Eye Hospital (CURA) formalise undertakings for the new Agreement. These have been sent to the Fair Work Commission for review. The ANMF are currently awaiting final approval on the Agreement, once this has been received we will be in touch with members working at CURA via email and members meetings. You can read the latest email update regarding the matter here.
Launceston Church Grammar School
The access period and ballot dates for this Agreement have now been confirmed with the employer. Voting for the Agreement will be open from 29 June 2020 until 3 July 2020. Members at Launceston Church Grammar School are encouraged to vote on the Agreement to ensure that their voice is represented.
Medea Park
Following a meeting with Medea Park management earlier this month, the ANMF will provide a counterproposal to the employer in response to the latest offer.
Toosey have applied to the Fair Work Commission for approval of their Enterprise Agreement. After a hearing and several submissions, the Fair Work Commission has dismissed the application. The dismissal was essentially on technical grounds for non-compliance of the employer under the Fair Work Act 2019 (the Act) and the multiple ballots held. The ANMF are working with members to develop a new Log of Claims before recommencing the bargaining process with Toosey. Once the Log of Claims has been developed, we will meet with members to seek endorsement of the claims. Please keep an eye on emails with further information regarding. To read the latest information sent to members via email, please click here.
The ANMF are waiting for the employer to confirm dates for the first Bargaining meeting. Once this meeting has been confirmed and negotiations commenced, the ANMF will relay information back to members and begin the consultation process.
Despite members indicating that they would be prepared to accept a reduction of entitlements in order to retain the paid meal breaks, the ANMF, on behalf of members, refused to concede that these should be removed from the next round of bargaining. As such, the employer intends to refer the matter to the Fair Work Commission. Once we have more information relating to this matter, members will be notified via email.
Updates correct as at 25 June 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary