
Southern Cross Marys Grange

The ANMF met with members on Tuesday 30 June 2020,  to discuss a proposed change to nursing structure and other matters. A letter has been sent to senior management at Southern Cross Care on behalf of members and an email to members detailing the contents of the letter has been sent. Once we have a response, we will be in touch with members to follow up on the matter.

BUPA South Hobart

On Friday 26 June 2020 the ANMF met with members, to discuss the proposed reductions to care hours scheduled to start from Monday 29 June 2020. The ANMF sent a letter to senior management raising members concerns. BUPA stopped the change and have phoned to apologise. They have committed to using the consultation process in future. The ANMF will schedule a meeting with members soon to discuss the outcome and future issues.

Updates correct as at 9 July 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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