Enterprise Agreement Updates
From the private and aged care sectors
We are frequently updating information regarding enterprise agreements from private and aged care sites across Tasmania so our members can stay informed.
The ANMF attended Calvary St Johns, South Hobart on Tuesday 28 July 2020 and Calvary Lenah Valley on 3 August 2020, to update members on the current Enterprise Agreement bargaining process. The ANMF are again writing to Calvary to request a return to the bargaining table as soon as can be arranged. Members reiterated that the number one issue they would like addressed via this process is workloads.
The ANMF note that the finalised Lifeblood Enterprise Agreement has been submitted to Fair Work for approval.
District Nursing Service
The ANMF conducted a meeting with members on 22 July 2020, to discuss their Log of Claims for the forthcoming Enterprise Agreement. The ANMF are revising the wording and clauses following member feedback. Once this has been finalised it will be presented to District Nursing Services management as a basis to inform negotiations.
Masonic Care Tasmania
The ANMF have responded to Masonic Care Tasmania on behalf of members regarding their wage offer and conditions in the Enterprise Agreement. The ANMF are awaiting a further response from Masonic Care Tasmania management and will consult with members following receipt of this correspondence.
The ANMF met with nursing members on 30 July 2020 to consult regarding changes resulting from correspondence about roster issues, staff meetings, and workloads. The ANMF will return to consult with members in the coming weeks and take further direction about these and other issues.
Hobart Private
ANMF officials are currently in discussions with Healthscope management regarding the upcoming Enterprise Agreement bargaining process. Members will be updated once a response has been provided by Healthscope.
Hobart Day Surgery
The ANMF are reviewing the final draft Agreement for Hobart Day Surgery and we will inform members once this process has been finalised.
South Eastern Community Care
The ANMF are awaiting details from Quartz Consulting regarding the final draft Agreement and the proposed ballot arrangements. A meeting with members will be arranged following receipt of the final Agreement to consult with members prior to the ballot.
Other sites
The ANMF are consulting with members regarding Enterprise Agreement Logs of Claims at a number of sites including Queen Victoria Care, Christian Homes, and at Hawthorn Village.
A first bargaining meeting was attended by the ANMF on Tuesday 28 July 2020. This was a preliminary meeting to discuss the Log of Claims with members. Further updates on this process will be communicated to members via email.
The ANMF are awaiting a further proposal from the employer in light of unions refusing to agree to the removal of paid meal breaks in the next round of bargaining.
Updates correct as at 6 August 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary