Newsflash: Mersey Community Hospital ED Further Reduced Opening Hours

It is understood that the reduced opening hours will be in place for three months commencing Monday 24 August 2020 while The Tasmanian Health Service (THS) works to permanently recruit medial staff to the MCH ED.

The ANMF have been provided with assurances that all staff in the MCH ED will continue to have their contracts of employment honoured and that should any requests for re-deployment occur at any stage, appropriate consultation will occur along with any penalties if agreed to proceed by the employee.

The ANMF acknowledge that during the recent period of reduced opening hours at the MCH ED, there has been some clinical care provided to some patients who have presented to the MCH ED that have needed urgent medical care which has been subsequently provided. However, the ANMF understand that this practice is one that has raised significant concern and questions by nursing staff about the resourcing, policy and legal framework that is in place to support this practice both now and into the next three months.

Annette Beechey, ANMF Organiser, will be holding a member meeting in the next couple of days to discuss members’ views to inform feedback from the ANMF to the DHHS and the Tasmanian Government. A meeting notice and message will be sent shortly.

Read the PDF version here.

Updates correct as at 20 August 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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