Southern News

Royal Hobart Hospital

Education Department

The ANMF conducted a meeting with members in the Centre for Education and Research at the Royal Hobart Hospital on 11 August 2020, to take feedback on the current Change Proposal dated 9 July 2020. After some discussion it was decided amongst all present, that further internal discussion is warranted before members can provide an informed comment. ANMF have written to Tasmanian Health Service management requesting an extension to the deadline for response and will return to the unit at a later, yet to be confirmed, date.

Ward 2D Cardiology

The ANMF held a meeting with members in Ward 2D Cardiology and Cardiothoracics on 12 August 2020. The meeting had a great attendance rate with multiple issues tabled and discussed. As a result of this meeting, the ANMF have written to Tasmanian Health Service management to seek their initial comment against all points of concern. Pending a response, the ANMF will further consult with members on how best to resolve issues and achieve outcomes.

Bike Parking

The ANMF recently attended a meeting with the Royal Hobart Hospital Green Health Team to discuss the current status of bike parking at the hospital, along with strategies for construction of a dedicated, undercover, secure structure to better support staff’s active transport endeavours. This was a fruitful meeting with the separate efforts of Green Health Team and the ANMF appearing to complement each other. As such, the ANMF anticipate engaging in a unified campaign. Communications with Tasmanian Health Service management are well underway with several potential sites and options for a build being tabled. The ANMF will communicate outcomes to members as a priority once these are identified.

Ward 9A Inpatient Oncology

The ANMF have received a response from Tasmanian Health Service management regarding the Step 1 Grievance raised by the Royal Hobart Hospital Inpatient Oncology. The ANMF will review this letter and relay its key details to members via an email as soon as practicable. Furthermore, we will seek to arrange a meeting with members in 9A soon, with event details to be sent to members once confirmed.

Updates correct as at 20 August 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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