ANMF attend Tasmanian Industrial Commission

The agreed outcomes at the Commission are as per the below:

  • THS have agreed that the Status Quo staffing will continue to be rostered, that being 9-morning shift, 9-afternoon shift and 4-night shift for a maximum of 30 beds
  • Benchmarking:
    • Has not been endorsed by ANMF members, therefore, the above Status Quo will remain
    • Coding training will be conducted with all clinical staff
    • Re-benchmarking will occur six months following completion of the coding training
    • Benchmarking meetings will occur between the parties to discuss in detail the etool and DRGs.
  • Weekly meetings to continue between the parties to discuss skill mix, rostering and an agreed interim safe staffing measure should the skill mix drop below the agreed level of five senior Registered Nurses grade 3 year 3 or above
  • The THS to clarify and communicate the direct care hours of the Clinical Nurse Educators to ensure presence 50% of the time
  • Clinical Facilitator to commence within a month to assist with support after hours on the medical ward
  • Attendants: NUM to notify the Attendants that the first round will commence at 0745hrs and communication boards will be used as a tool to identify patients requiring assistance
  • Computer availability to be reviewed to ensure nurses have the appropriate access.

A report back conference is scheduled for 9 September 2020. The ANMF will schedule a member meeting in the coming weeks.

The ANMF would like to remind members that any concerns relating to workloads, patient or member safety and skill mix need to be reported to the in charge at the time of occurrence either via a SRLS, email, or an ANMF workload form.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact our Member Support Team on 1800 001 241. Alternatively, email Please note that due to the COVID-19 situation, our Member Support Team is practicing social isolation and working from home. Bearing this in mind, email is the preferred and fastest way of contacting them.

Updates correct as at 5 August 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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