North Western News

Mersey Community Hospital

Emergency Department

The ANMF attended a meeting with members on 20 August 2020, to discuss members professional and industrial concerns due to further reductions in opening hours of the Mersey Community Hospital Emergency Department. Members’ experience of the closure has highlighted many concerns around resourcing, policy, and legal frameworks that are in place to support the reduction in opening hours. Formal correspondence from the ANMF has been sent to Tasmanian Health Service management. As further information comes to hand, we will keep Mersey Community Hospital Emergency Department members informed. Read the latest newsflash regarding this matter here.

Day Procedure Medical Oncology

The ANMF met with members on 27 August 2020, to recognise the positive impact nurses make in supporting cancer patients. Our members are working above and beyond to ensure that cancer patients and their families can continue to be solely focussed on their cancer journey, treatment, and aim for recovery despite the added risks that the COVID-19 pandemic presents. We want to take the opportunity to recognise this and thank our members.

Medical Ward

ANMF officials attended a meeting with members on the Mersey Community Hospital Medical Ward on 24 August 2020, to discuss progress of the Step 3 Workload Grievance. The ANMF have written to management to seek clarity regarding members ongoing concerns. In addition, the ANMF will continue to attend roster review meetings. A report back conference at the Tasmanian Industrial Commission is scheduled for 9 September 2020. Read the latest newsflash emailed to members here.

North West Regional Hospital

Operating Room Suite

The ANMF, on behalf of members working in the North West Regional Hospital Operating Theatres, have raised workload concerns including missed meal breaks, with Tasmanian Health Service Management.  Initial benchmarking indicates an increase of seven FTE is required to meet ACORN standards. Consultation meetings have been held to discuss the next steps including the development of a proposed roster and staff survey. Watch out for the survey in your inbox soon.

Updates correct as at 3 September 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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