Public Sector Updates – South

Midlands Multi-Purpose Centre

The ANMF will be visiting members at the Midlands Multi-Purpose Centre in Oatlands today, Thursday 15 October to discuss the recent member survey and concerns about the roster. Keep an eye out for an email from us outlining discussion points and action items, we hope to see you there.

Mental Health Updates

Mental Health Inpatient Unit (MHIU) – K2W and K3W

The ANMF met with members on 9 October 2020. This meeting was called following the recent application and subsequent listing in the Tasmanian Industrial Commission (TIC) on October 20 2020 relating to the removal of CCTV in the Mental Health Inpatient Unit – High Dependency Unit patient rooms. Unfortunately, many members were unable to attend due the onsite meeting due to their workload on the day.

Mental Health Services at Mistral Place, Roy Fagan Centre (RFC), Millbrook Rise Centre (MRC) and Tolosa Street

The ANMF met with Mental Health Services management, Vicki Polanowski (Acting Group Director) and John Stanfield (Human Resources) on Thursday 8 October 2020. This was following a matter raised to management about the addition of a 12-hour shift clause in the Nurses and Midwives (Tasmanian State Service) Award that includes paid meal breaks for 12-hour shift workers.

It was agreed that, as per the Award a separate Agreement must be drafted (and registered with the Commission as a section 55 Agreement) to formalise arrangements around shift patterns, including breaks. Further discussions will need to be had between unions, management and affected sites. It is anticipated that these meetings will be set up in the coming weeks. You can see further details in the Newsflash sent to members here

Adult Community Mental Health Service (ACMHS)

The ANMF met with members from Hobart/Southern District, Glenorchy/Northern District and Clarence/Eastern District on 1 October 2020, regarding the latest Operational Service Model (OSM) for the Continuing Care Team (CCT) – one component of the body of work currently being completed as part of the Tasmanian Mental Health Reform Project (TMHRP). Feedback has been provided to the Team Leaders of these sites and a summary has been sent via email to members.

The ANMF met again with the Clarence/Eastern District on 2 October 2020 to discuss concerns in relation to policies. A summary has been sent directly to members.

Following these two meetings, and as part of an ongoing discussion with Mental Health Services management and an unresolved workload matter, a workload grievance was formally raised on Monday 5 October 2020. A response is requested by Friday 9 October 2020. Next steps will be determined by this response and in consultation with members. You can read the full details in the newsflash sent to members here. If you have any questions regarding these matters please get in touch with the ANMF Member Support Team here.

Updates correct as at 15 October 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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