Public Sector Updates – North

Launceston General Hospital

Crisis Assessment Triage Team (CATT)

The ANMF have scheduled a meeting with members in the Crisis Assessment Triage Team (CATT) for Wednesday 25 November. This meeting is to discuss the result of the Crisis Assessment Triage Team member survey circulated in early October and ongoing workload concerns. An email with meeting times and further information will be sent to members closer to the date.

Ward 40/B

ANMF have recirculated the Ward 4O/B member workload survey. The survey is open until Wednesday 4 November 2020, and can be accessed by following the link sent to members via email. If you have not received this email, please get in touch with our Member Support Team here. The ANMF have scheduled a member meeting the same day to discuss the results. An email with meeting times and further information will be sent to members closer to the date. Please note that due to COVID-19 restrictions the meeting may have to be run in 2 sittings.

Emergency Department

The ANMF meet with members working in the Launceston General Hospital Emergency Department on Wednesday 14 October, to discuss management recommendation from the Step 2 Specialist Panel held on Tuesday 6 November. The recommendation proposed would see an increase in nurse staffing predominately in the triage assist, triage and waiting areas. However, this proposal does not address workloads across the zones as well as skill mix and safe staffing of the resuscitation bays. As a result, we have called for a reconvening of the Step 2 Specialist Panel to pursue recommendations in line with the balance of members requests as per the member meeting held on 29 September 2020. Read the full update sent to members via email here.

Ward 5B

On Thursday 22 October, the ANMF attended a meeting with Launceston General Hospital management to discuss the Ward 5B annual benchmarking. The proposed benchmarking for 2020 has shown no increase in Full Time Equivalents (FTEs). We are aiming to schedule a meeting with members for 2 December 2020. This will be an opportunity for members to ask questions regarding the proposed benchmarking and raise any concerns. Final confirmation of the meeting timing, along details of the meeting times, will be sent to members via email shortly.

Renal and Kings Meadows

On Monday 12 October, the ANMF attended a meeting with Launceston General Hospital management to discuss the annual Renal Services benchmarking. The prosed benchmarking has shown an increase in full Time Equivalents (FTEs) across both the Launceston General Hospital and Kings Meadows sites. The ANMF has scheduled a meeting with members at both sites for Wednesday 11 November 2020. The meeting will discuss the proposed FTEs increase and seek members endorsement on the benchmarking. An email with meeting times and further information will be sent to members closer to the date.

Holman Clinic

The ANMF have made an application to the Tasmanian Industrial in relation to the permanent appointment of full Time Equivalents (FTEs) as identified by the 2019 benchmarking process. At the time of writing, the Tasmanian Health Service has still not approved the permanent recruitment of these positions. Further details will be sent to members via email once a hearing date has been set.

Ward 5D

The ANMF has been advised that the 2020 benchmarking meeting for Ward 5D will occur on Friday 6 November. We have scheduled a member report back meeting for the same day at 2.30pm. An email with meeting times and further information will be sent to members closer to the date.

Updates correct as at 29 October 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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