Taking Care of You

Taking Care of You

Words like ‘courageous’ and ‘hero’ have been bandied about by the media and professional bodies right across the world, but for so many of us, being on the frontline and exposing ourselves to risk is part of what we do. Our expertise and compassion may be more on display and be gaining public recognition, but many of our members have voiced how important it is that it is more broadly understood that the job we do can be heart wrenching, frightening, complicated, exhausting and rewarding – beyond just the time of a pandemic.

To all of you: It is ok to be feeling tired. It is ok to be finding it difficult to catch your breath. It is ok to shed a tear. It is ok to prioritise you. It is not ok to leave these feelings to accumulate without support and put your job above yourself forever. There has been sacrifice and there have been incredible achievements as you have all provided quality care and simultaneously advocated for something better. 2020 has been difficult, no matter where you are. As the year starts to wind down, if you haven’t already, please made sure you are taking time to care for you.

Whether you use the meditation services offered for free during Covid-19 at Headspace here, or get in touch with Nurse & Midwife Support here  or 1800 667 877 to talk through how you feel, or afford yourself the time to do something just for you, please, take care of you.

Updates correct as at 26 November 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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