Mental Health Updates – Statewide


Adult Community Mental Health Service (ACMHS)


The ANMF submitted feedback in relation to reform, the Operational Service Models (OSM) and Change Proposals on the Change Proposal closing date, Friday 4 December 2020. Adult Community Mental Health Service (ACMHS) members will receive an email this week that will include a copy of the feedback provided on your behalf. The ANMF wish to thank all members who completed the survey and attended meetings in relation to the reform. It has been a very long process and ANMF recognise and appreciate your tenacity. If you have any questions, please contact our Member Support Team. Please click here for the latest newsflash sent out to members.

Workload Grievance

To date, the ANMF have attended two Step 2 Workload meetings. The first was held on 11 November and the second on 3 December. Actions following both meetings have been for the Mental Health Services of the Tasmanian Health Service to provide further data in relation to specific workload concerns of each district, including individual caseloads, overtime, baseline staffing levels, shifts worked shot, mandatory training completion, sick leave, and more. A further meeting will take place on 15 December. The outcome that the ANMF seek on this matter is an increase to staffing that reflects the need indicated by the data, particularly in the Eastern District and within the Mental Health Helpline. If you have any questions or would like to attend the next Workload Grievance meeting, please contact our Member Support Team. Please click here for the latest newsflash sent out to members.

Mental Health Inpatient Unit (MHIU)

One of the agreements made in the Tasmanian Industrial Commission was that the Tasmanian Health Service would put together a Work Health and Safety Reference Group to look at all Work Health and Safety concerns in relation to the removal of the CCTV cameras in the patient bedrooms. The group has now met twice, and it was agreed on 2 December that an action, requested by ANMF, be taken. That action is the completion of a formal Work Health and Safety assessment by a Tasmanian Health Service Work Health and Safety Advisor. This assessment will also be attended by members of the Work Health and Safety Reference Group. Information has been requested by the Tasmanian Health Service Work Health and Safety Advisor, in relation to the ‘pros and cons’ of camera removal and this information has been provided based directly on member’s feedback in previous meetings on the same matter. The assessment was due to take place on 9 December 2020. Feedback on the progress of this matter, as an active Tasmanian Industrial Commission case, is due back to the Tasmanian Industrial Commission on 17 December. Members will be kept informed of any new information via email. If you have any questions, please contact our Member Support Team.

Updates correct as at 10 December 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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