Public Sector Updates – North

Launceston General Hospital

Ward 4O/B

ANMF met with members on 12 November, to discuss workload concerns. Members raised multiple workload issues within the Ward 4O/B Unit. Of main concern was working short, night duty staffing numbers being insufficient, acuity, skill mix issues, missed meal breaks, covering roster gaps, and increased overtime (including double shifts). As a result, the ANMF have raised the matter to a Step 2 Grievance and have requested the convening of a specialist panel as per the requirements under the Nurses and Midwives Agreement. Further updates will be communicated to members via email.

Emergency Department

The ANMF met with Tasmanian Health Service management for the Emergency Department Specialist Panel on Tuesday 24 November. At this meeting Tasmanian Health Service officials agreed that a business case will be put up to align staffing with the Royal Hobart Hospital to an increase of 20.3 Full Time Equivalent (FTE). The ANMF are in the process of surveying and meeting with members to narrow down the roles that the 20.3 FTE should apply to. Once the consultation is complete, the ANMF will write to the Tasmanian Health Service detailing the priority areas for the FTE to be included in a business case for Executive.

Operating Room Suite

The ANMF have developed a member workload survey for Launceston General Hospital Operating Room Suite members. The survey closed 9 December. The ANMF will be meeting with members today to discuss the survey results and current workloads.

Ward 3R and John L Grove

The ANMF have written to Tasmanian Health Service management on behalf of members in Ward 3R and John L Grove. The ANMF have advised management of the endorsement of the proposed benchmarking. We are now seeking confirmation regarding the consultation process for the proposed new Clinical Nurse Manager position created out of existing FTE from John L Grove and 3R. Further updates to follow via email to members.

Ward 5B

On Wednesday 3 December, the ANMF met with members on Ward 5B to discuss the proposed 2020 benchmarking. Members noted their disappointment that the benchmarking for 2020 will not see an increase in Full Time Equivalents (FTEs). Members raised concerns with patient acuity, skill mix, double shifts, and overtime. The ANMF have since raised this matter with Tasmanian Health Service management via the Launceston General Hospital Safe Staffing meeting. We will write to the Nursing Director outlining members concerns and arrange a meeting to progress the issues.

Ward 4K

The ANMF have arranged for Ward 4K members to have group debrief sessions which will be facilitated by Laurel House. The first session will occur on Monday 14 December at 1430 hours. The sessions will be held at the ANMF office at 19 Brisbane Street, Launceston. This is a drop-in service, there is no need to book, however for COVID-19 reasons, contact details will be required upon arrival.

Updates correct as at 10 December 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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