Latest news and updates from across the state
EA Updates
We are frequently updating information regarding enterprise agreements from private and aged care sites across Tasmania so our members can stay informed. However, due to the Christmas/New Year period, many employers and employer representatives have been on leave. As a result, there has been little activity in relation to progressing Enterprise Agreements during this period.
Calvary Health Care Tasmania
The ANMF have been advised that Calvary management has surveyed Nurse Unit Managers (NUM’s) about their workloads. We believe that members have been honest in their responses and this information is currently being reviewed by Calvary. The ANMF anticipate further correspondence from your employer by 28 January 2021.
Southern Cross Care
The next Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA) meeting is scheduled on 27 January 2021. The discussion is focused on working through the current Agreement in an attempt to clarify and simplify the wording (without losing any current entitlements) and there has been little response to the ANMF members Log of Claims to date.
The protected Action Ballot is now underway. The ANMF (as is required by the legislation) have provided a copy of a list of eligible members working at Healthscope to the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC). The AEC then match that list with the list provided by the employer. People who appear on both lists, will receive ballot papers. Unfortunately, it is apparent that a few members (who are on the ANMF list) are yet to receive ballots. The AEC have asked members to contact them directly. If you have not received the ballot papers contact the AEC ASAP on (02) 9375 6366. On calling please advise that you are an ANMF member by quoting PAB 863.
The ANMF are waiting for confirmation of current wages schedule. Both the General Staff Agreement and the Nurses Agreement have been amended in accordance with ANMF review. It is anticipated that ballot dates will be advised shortly.
Medea Park
The Agreement is ready to be sent to members for their vote and the ANMF are awaiting advice in relation to the access and ballot dates. There is also a new Facility Manager and ANMF look forward to working with them to address issues raised by members as they occur.
The ANMF is awaiting a response from the solicitor who is advising management in relation to this Agreement. It is anticipated that a draft will soon be ready to go to ballot.
The access period for voting for the new Agreement has now opened.
Aged Care Deloraine
The ANMF are still awaiting notification of a meeting date with your employer.
Wynyard Care Centre
The ANMF are waiting for an invitation to a first bargaining meeting.
Tandara Nurses
The ANMF are waiting for an invitation to a first bargaining meeting.
Updates correct as at 21 January 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary
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