Public Sector Updates – South

Royal Hobart Hospital

Department of Emergency Medicine

On 16 February 2021, the ANMF attended a Nursing Hours per Patient Day (NHpPD) Benchmarking meeting with Tasmanian Health Service management to outline the prospective staffing of the department for the upcoming 12-month period. The ANMF are scheduled to conduct a member meeting in the Department of Emergency Medicine tomorrow. We look forward to relaying outcomes to members as well as seeking endorsement of the proposed model.

General Surgical Unit (K9W)

The ANMF are happy to announce that as a result of the ongoing Nursing Hours per Patient Day (NHpPD) Workload Grievance running within Ward K9W since June 2020 the Tasmanian Health Service has agreed to implement a rostered sixth night duty nurse on all night shifts as an interim safe staffing measure until such time as the Women’s Surgical Unit becomes operational. It is anticipated that once this occurs the situation as a whole will be reviewed. The ANMF remain committed to advocating on behalf of members for maintenance of safe-staffing levels across these respective units.

Orthopaedics and Surgical Specialties (K9E)

The ANMF have received a response to Step 1 Grievance letter which was forwarded to all members within the unit via email on Wednesday 17 February. The ANMF have finalised arrangements for a follow-up meeting with members tomorrow, to take any member feedback and seek resolution as to how best to progress this matter.

Maternity Unit (K7)

The ANMF conducted a meeting with members in the Maternity Unit on 12 February 2021. This meeting generated a strong attendance and rigorous discussion, with several significant points of action identified for follow-up. The ANMF have commenced proceedings with Tasmanian Health Service management and will give feedback to members as quickly and frequently as possible throughout.

Emergency Department

Annual presentations to the Emergency Department are now approaching 70,000 and one issue is the inability (in benchmarking) to capture data in relation to category 8 presentations – this matter will be raised at the Statewide Safe Staffing meeting. A member meeting is scheduled tomorrow to ask members to endorse the recent benchmarking. There are concerns that the opening of the Mental Health Short Stay Unit will cause difficulties with access to the Psychiatric Emergency Nurse (PEN) role. Members are encouraged to note if a PEN is required but unavailable.

Midwifery Group Practice

The ANMF met with members working in the Royal Hobart Hospital Midwifery Group Practice (MGP) on 17 February 2021, to review ongoing Midwifery issues/concerns within the service. Several of the points raised echoed identified concerns from the Maternity (K7) unit member meeting that was held on 12 February 2021. As such, it’s hoped that work already commenced in the K7 space will serve to provide mutual benefits to both aspects of the service. Updates on this matter will be sent to members via an email.

Updates correct as at 18 February 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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