Aged Care Updates – Statewide

Respect Wellington Views

The ANMF await a reply to our request to attend a meeting with members and management to discuss matters outstanding at Respect.

May Shaw – James Scott Wing and Aminya

Nurses and care staff are experiencing continued stress due to unsustainable workloads. The ANMF have written to the May Shaw CEO, raising concerns with high workplace stress, incidences of residents absconding, multiple staff resignations and to encourage an immediate reinstatement of nursing and carer hours.

OneCare Umina Park

ANMF officials visited Umina Park on 7 December 2020. North West Organiser, Annette Beechey met with nurses to review the Enterprise Agreement offer made by the employer, while ANMF Member Engagement Officer Yasmin McMahon met with care workers. Members report that the Foul and Nauseous Linen Allowance is not paid in a timely manner despite the appropriate paperwork being completed. This has been raised with the facility manager on behalf of ANMF members. You can read the full update sent to members online here.

Member Engagement Officer

Over the past couple of weeks, Mandy, our Southern Member Engagement Officer has attended several morning/afternoon teas and meetings with members. Sites visited include Freemasons, Corumbene, Huon Regional Care Dover, Huon Regional Care Franklin, Christian Homes Hawthorn Village, Christian Homes Snug village, UAW Lillian Martin Queen Victoria Nursing home, Southern Cross Care Rosary Gardens, Rivulet, and May Shaw Swansea. The ANMF are looking forward to catching up with members at other sites so please keep an eye out on your notice boards for dates and times of when the ANMF will be visiting your workplace.

Updates correct as at 4 March 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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