Public Sector Updates – North

Launceston General Hospital

Emergency Department

The ANMF has developed an electronic workload form enabling members working in the Launceston General Hospital Emergency Department to record workload concerns. The information collected will be used to progress members claim for increased staffing at the Tasmanian Industrial Commission. Workload forms can now be accessed via an electronic form which can be accessed from your phone. An email with more information has been sent to members. You can also view the full update here.

Ward 40/B

Following on from our meeting with members in the Launceston General Hospital Ward 40/4B, the ANMF can report that after engaging with Tasmanian Health Service management it has been confirmed that the business case for additional fixed term full time equivalent (FTE)  to allow for 7 midwives to be rostered on night shift has been approved by the Executive Director of Operations North and North West. You can read the full update sent to members here.

North East Soldiers Memorial Hospital

The ANMF met with members on 10 February 2021, to discuss current workloads at the North East Soldiers Memorial Hospital (NESMH). At the meeting, members endorsed the ANMF raising a Nursing Hours per Patient Day (NHpPD) Step 1 Workload Grievance on their behalf. You can read the full update sent to members via email, here.

Ward 5B

On 4 February 2021 the ANMF met with Tasmanian Health Service management for the second benchmarking meeting for Launceston General Hospital Ward 5B. At the meeting the ANMF raised members concerns related to patient safety, skill mix and workload, with regard to the proposed benchmarking. The ANMF has now received a written response from Tasmanian Health Service management regarding these concerns. The ANMF are in the process of reviewing this response and will schedule a meeting with members in the coming weeks. Keep an eye out for meeting details via email.

Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team

On 23 February 2021, the ANMF attended the Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team (CATT) North Step 2 Specialist Panel meeting. The meeting was productive with the ANMF securing the following recommendations on behalf of members, in relation to the ANMF member workload grievance:

  • That ANMF and Tasmanian Health Service Mental Health Service North establish a working group to develop a workload model for the CATT. This will be established in line with the requirements set out in the Nurse and Midwives Interim Agreement 2013, Appendix C, Section 7 (2). That through this workload model development process, consideration will be given to:
  1. Implementation of a 24/7 PEN rostered out of the CATT
  2. Adoption of a 10-hour shift roster.
  • Tasmanian Health Service to provide ANMF details of the current FTE baseline roster gaps
  • While the working group is established and proceeding, due consideration be given to interim strategies for the relief workload

The first working group meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday 10 March 2021. Further updates will be provided to members via email and fortnightly eNews updates.

Ward 4K

The ANMF advise members that submissions to the Commission of Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse are now open. If you are intending on making a submission, the ANMF is available to support and advise members through this process. We strongly recommend that you contact our Member Support Team prior to making any submission or statement.  Our Member Support Team will be able to provide the appropriate advice in the development of your submission and any ongoing support required if you are called as a witness to the Commission of Inquiry.

Updates correct as at 4 March 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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