Public Sector Updates – North West

King Island

On February 26, ANMF Officials met with individual members, held meetings with members on King Island, and then spoke with Tasmanian Health Service management, raising concerns on behalf of members. The past year has been challenging for members on King Island, having not only the changes associated with the pandemic but a major redevelopment of the King Island Hospital and Health Centre. Members are utilising many of the new spaces such as the bright spacious staff room and are looking forward to being able to move into the acute areas in the next couple of weeks. The ANMF will continue to support members working on King Island.

North West Renal Unit

ANMF members from the North West Renal Unit attended a member meeting on 21 January 2021.  Professional and industrial concerns, including access to meal breaks, were raised by members. These concerns have been sent to management, with a response extension granted until 8 March 2021. Once a response is received a further meeting with members will be arranged.

Wynyard Centre

The ANMF met with members on 18 February 2021, to discuss professional and industrial issues. Unfortunately, a fire in the facility dryer overnight meant that few members were able to attend. If members who were unable to attend the meeting have particular concerns, please contact our Member Support Team here.

Mersey Community Hospital

Medical Ward – Step 3 Grievance and Change Proposal

The ANMF have written to Tasmanian Health Service management to request tangible timeframes for the introduction of a clinical coach. The clinical coach role is one of the strategies designed to address the Stage 3 Grievance. As soon as information is to hand, members will be informed via email and meetings.

Updates correct as at 4 March 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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