Public Sector Updates – South

Royal Hobart Hospital

Department of Emergency Medicine (DEM)

The ANMF conducted a meeting with members in the Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH) Department of Emergency Medicine (DEM) on Friday 19 February, to relay prospective Nursing Hours per Patient Day (NHpPD) outcomes from the 16th of February meeting between ANMF Workplace Representatives and senior Tasmanian Health Service (THS) management. The prospective 3.56FTE gain in DEM nursing staffing was well received by those present and subsequently ratified by way of vote – this information has been relayed to THS and ANMF eagerly await fruition of these invaluable resources.

General Surgical Unit (K9W)

The ANMF have received a Change Proposal for the impending Royal Hobart Hospital Women’s Surgical Unit (WSU), which stands to have significant implications for the staffing/rostering of the General Surgical Unit (K9W). The ANMF will seek to arrange an urgent member meeting on the K9W to take feedback on this matter, however individuals who wish to submit a written response via our Member Support Team are strongly encouraged to do so here.

Maternity Unit (K7)

The ANMF have received a Change Proposal for the impending Royal Hobart Hospital Women’s Surgical Unit (WSU), which stands to have significant implications for clinical and logistical operations within the Maternity Unit (K7W). A member meeting was conducted on 7KW yesterday, to listen to member feedback, however if you wish to submit a written response via our Member Support Team, please do so here.

Orthopaedics and Surgical Specialties (K9E)

The ANMF conducted a meeting with members in the Royal Hobart Hospital Orthopaedics and Surgical Specialties Unit (K9E) on Friday 19 February, at which time a resolution was passed to escalate the ongoing grievance procedure to a Step Two Grievance. The ANMF has requested additional information from the Executive Director of Nursing – South to inform and support this case and will subsequently write to inform Tasmanian Health Service management of this development. The ANMF are happy to inform members that a re-Benchmarking meeting for K9E is already scheduled for 29 March 2021. We remain hopeful that the outcome of this meeting will provide significant response/remedy to member’s concerns.

Paediatrics/Adolescent Unit

The ANMF conducted a meeting with members on Friday 26 February, in the Royal Hobart Hospital Paediatric/Adolescent Unit (K6). Attendance at this meeting was strong, with feedback reflecting consistent themes of overtime, short staffing, and problems with diluted skill mix. At the conclusion of this meeting members resolved to pursue these issues via a Step One NHpPD Workload Grievance. This has been relayed to Tasmanian Health Service management via email, with official correspondence to follow.

Department Critical Care Medicine (DCCM)

The ANMF conducted a meeting with members at the Royal Hobart Hospital Department of Critical Care Medicine (DCCM) on 1 March 2021, with an outstanding attendance of 28 current DCCM nursing staff submitting their collective feedback. As a result of this preliminary discussion, it was resolved to engage in a Step One Nursing Hours per Patient Day (NHpPD) Workload Grievance – formal correspondence to Tasmanian Health Service management will follow to this effect with members to be advised of the requested date of reply via email.

Main Theatres

The ANMF has been formally invited to a Step Two Grievance Meeting with Tasmanian Health Service management. At this stage the meeting has been scheduled for the week commencing 8 March 2021. This date will hopefully be finalised by this week, with members advised of the final arrangements via email. The ANMF look forward to engaging in continued advocacy on behalf of Main Theatres nursing staff. A member meeting will be arranged after this initial Step Two meeting to relay outcomes and ongoing plans.

Updates correct as at 4 March 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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