Royal Hobart Hospital Ward K9W

Royal Hobart Hospital Ward K9W

The drastically increased footprint of the K-Block Ward environment, combined with the increase from 24 to 32 beds (18 May 2020) naturally imposed additional workloads on nursing staff, with the cumulative toll resulting in commencement of a Step One Nursing Hours per Patient Day (NHpPD) Workload Grievance, launched 17 June 2020.

This Grievance was undertaken with the main aim of instigating an additional (6th) nurse across all night shifts – a well-recognised and documented area of deficiency on the unit.

From the outset, members were highly engaged in the campaign and were extremely diligent in filling out ANMF workload forms, which sought to capture in real-terms and real-time the logistical and clinical difficulties associated with night duty in particular.

As the Grievance progressed to Step Two Specialist Panel Meetings, the information provided by members was invaluable in demonstrating legitimate safety concerns for patients and nurses alike, and served to emphasise the need for additional nursing support.

Ultimately this Grievance was escalated to the Tasmanian Industrial Commission (TIC) for resolution; meetings ANMF Workplace Representatives attended on behalf of the broader membership.

In the end, the stalemate was broken when the Tasmanian Health Service agreed to implement a sixth rostered night-duty nurse as an interim solution until such time as the Women’s Surgical Unit came to practical fruition – a process which remains subject to the rigours of a Change Proposal and potential NHpPD disputes on its own merits.

The ANMF are proud to have been able to work collaboratively with its members in achieving this outcome, and remain committed to advocating on behalf of all nursing staff within K9W if/when such staffing discrepancies should once again become a concern.

Updates correct as at 4 March 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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