Public Sector Updates – South

Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH)

General Surgical Unit (K9W)

The ANMF attended a Tasmanian Industrial Commission (TIC) mandated Benchmarking meeting with Tasmanian Health Service (THS) management on 11 March 2021, to review the current NHpPD arrangements as well as set a future date for review upon a 12-month data period. This meeting included significant deliberation over the impacts of the expanded geographical footprint of K9W as opposed to the former site of 2A, whereby floor space has increased by some 70%. The ANMF are pleased to report that the THS has committed to the interim measure of a sixth night duty nurse until such time as re-benchmarking occurs in full – at this stage set to be July 2021.

Maternity Unit (K7)

The ANMF has received a response from THS management regarding the Step 1 Grievance raised in Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH) Maternity Services (K7). This grievance has recently become compounded by the introduction of the Women’s Surgical Unit (WSU) Change Proposal which ventures to add 11 surgical beds to the Southern aspect of the K7-West unit. The THS response letter will be forwarded to all members via email with a follow-up meeting with members arranged as soon as practicable.

Paediatrics/Adolescent Unit

The ANMF has delivered, on behalf of members working in RHH Paediatrics/Adolescent Services (K6), a Step 1 Grievance letter to THS management reflecting member feedback and the resolution passed at the member meeting held 26 February 2021. The due date of response is 18 March 2021, with ANMF having received assurances that a reply will be forthcoming by this date. Once received, the information will be relayed to members and a follow-up member meeting arranged as soon as is practicable.

Main Theatres

On 11 March 2021, the ANMF attended the initial Step 2 Grievance Specialist Panel meeting regarding Main Theatres with THS management. This meeting was fruitful with the need for an objective and comprehensive staffing tool to govern Main Theatres identified, with this hoped to be complete and available for discussion at a second meeting currently scheduled for 8 April 2021. Also proposed at this meeting was the immediate return of the ‘traffic light system’ whereby individuals can/should express their availability/willingness to be approached for any potential overtime requirements – the ANMF are assured that this will be communicated thoroughly to staff and undertaken without delay.

Mental Health Inpatient Unit

The ANMF conducted a meeting with members in the RHH Mental Health Inpatient Unit (MHIU) on 12 March 2021, to review with members the SMHS response to Step 1 Grievance letter, as well as associated data demonstrating current and ongoing staffing/rostering shortfalls within the service. At this meeting it was resolved that these matters will be escalated to a Step 2 Grievance for review by a Specialist Panel. A letter to this effect will be sent as soon as practicable and members will be notified of the expected date of reply by email.

Updates correct as at 17 March 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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