Public Sector Updates – South

Royal Hobart Hospital

Safe Staffing Snap-Action

The ANMF conducted a snap-action by way of a media doorstop at the Royal Hobart Hospital K-Block on Friday 9 April 2021, to highlight the current staffing crisis within the THS. This event was well attended, and members are thanked for their participation. Your involvement ensured media interest and added weight to not only discussions/forums with THS itself, but more broadly the significance of healthcare as an election issue.

Maternity Unit

The ANMF have written to the THS on behalf of K7 members in order to escalate their ongoing Grievance to a Step Two Specialist Panel matter. Members will be advised of the date/time of the first meeting and the ANMF will seek expressions of interest from up to two members to attend on behalf of direct midwifery staff to have input in the discussions.

Inpatient Oncology (9A)

The ANMF met with members in 9A Inpatient Oncology on 31 March 2021, to review outcomes from their Step Two Grievance Procedure. The ANMF is pleased to report that the PTVE for the promised 0.84FTE position on afternoon shifts has been approved and THS has commenced rostering these shifts routinely. Full staffing of this position is anticipated to be subject to ongoing recruitment endeavours. Disappointingly, a re-benchmarking meeting for this area scheduled for 13 April 2021 was cancelled by THS with only 24hrs notice. The ANMF are writing to appeal and request that this meeting be urgently re-scheduled so that the additional position can be formally incorporated into the Nursing Hours per Patient Day (NHpPD).

Department Critical Care Medicine (DCCM)

The ANMF have received a Step One Grievance Response letter from THS management. This is anticipated to be released to members via an email imminently, however, it is understood that significant portions of this response were delivered to staff internally by the THS. A follow-up meeting with members has been requested, you will be advised of the date/time via email soon.

Updates correct as at 15 April 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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