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EA Updates

The ANMF continue to discuss with the Healthscope negotiating team issues regarding workloads and the importance of addressing this in the Enterprise Agreement, other than via the Workload Consultative Committee. Members continue to voice concerns about the present workloads and conditions. The ANMF has sent out a survey to members regarding the latest offer to gauge members views. Negotiation meetings will be continuing until members have assurances from Healthscope that their issues are being addressed. Regular weekly walk rounds are being conducted by ANMF to ward and unit tea rooms. Please look out for our Organisers who are happy to discuss any issues or questions you have.

Calvary has made the Enterprise Agreement available to staff with the electronic ballot voting period from 0900 on 29 April to 1600 on 5 May. The ANMF have planned regular weekly meetings across the state to meet with members during this process to answer any questions.

The ANMF is meeting with the employer on 29 April 2021 to continue negotiations.

Southern Cross Care
ANMF officials attended a negotiation meeting on 21 April, along with three ANMF Workplace Representatives. The meeting consisted of a union response to the offer made by Southern Cross Care (SCC). ANMF Reps raised that a wage offer of 1.5% represents an increase of about 35 cents per hour for ECAs, which added to the loss of paid meal break, equates to a significant financial loss to members who are already on subsistence wages. SCC will consult with their CEO prior to responding to the ANMF on 26 May.

Barrington Lodge
The employer has asked to delay bargaining for one year. The ANMF has asked the employer to quantify its proposed administrative wage increase, and will survey members in the coming weeks.

South Eastern Community Care
The employer has begun the ballot process without the ANMF’s agreement or support. The ballot will close on 29 April 2021 at 5pm.

Emmerton Park
The ANMF is surveying members to identify key issues for the Log of Claims.

Updates correct as at 29 April 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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