Overview: COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Update #4

Overview: COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Update #4

To date over 40,000 vaccines including both Pfizer and Astra Zeneca, have been administered across the State. The majority of phase 1a is complete in the North West and North of the State, however, there remains approximately 400 people in phase 1a in the South, yet to be vaccinated. These individuals are being followed up.

The private sector has commenced with some GPs across the State delivering Astra Zeneca vaccines, however, the ability for these to be administered depends on the number of vaccines provided to these clinics. Members who are part of phase 1b, particularly those who work in aged care, are able to access their vaccines through these GP clinics if they wish.

Members at district hospitals have raised concerns regarding their likely date of vaccination, particularly those sites with Emergency Departments. The ANMF has been advised that districts with Ochre Health on site will be administered their vaccines through Ochre Health on site. For those district hospitals without Ochre on site, a State vaccine team will likely attend the facility to vaccinate staff. The ANMF has been advised that this will likely occur within the next one to two weeks.

The ANMF continues to raise concern regarding the delay in aged care staff receiving their vaccines through the Commonwealth program, however, encourage any aged care members to attend a local GP clinic to receive their vaccine if they wish to.

Further work continues to deliver the vaccine to all healthcare professionals as quickly as possible as the vaccine program is now well into phase 1b. As these details are provided to the ANMF, they will be communicated to all members.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact our Member Support Team. 

Updates correct as at 1 April 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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