ANMF and Aged Care - the Union that fight for your workloads

ANMF and Aged Care – the union that fight for your workloads

The ANMF is the only Union that has the experience and knowledge of your workplace because we are the only Union that employs nurses, midwives, and care workers to advocate for you. That is why our Organisers and Member Support Team are uniquely positioned to understand your experiences and adequately represent you in your workplace and offer sound industrial advice that is relevant to you. We understand your concerns because we have been there.

Anyone who tells you that the ANMF cannot advocate for your workloads, or that you have to change from the ANMF, is spinning a yarn. Do not trust someone who needs to lie in order to get you to change your allegiance to a professional organisation.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact our Member Support Team via email on Email is the preferred and fastest way of contacting the team. Alternatively, you can phone (03) 6223 6777 or 1800 001 241 if outside Hobart.

Updates correct as at 15 April 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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