Public Sector Updates – South

Royal Hobart Hospital

Department of Critical Care Medicine (DCCM)

The ANMF have officially lodged a Step Two Grievance letter on behalf of DCCM members and continue to await notification from the Tasmanian Health Service (THS) as to the date/time of a Specialist Panel meeting. In the interim, the ANMF have attended a formal re-Benchmarking meeting with THS on Monday 31 May 2021 at which several resolutions for a business case were made to address the current acuity/workload/staffing concerns. The ANMF will seek to conduct a member meeting to feedback any/all outcomes from the initial Specialist Panel meeting.

Inpatient Oncology (9A)

The ANMF in the company of members attended the 27 May re-benchmarking meeting for Inpatient Oncology (9A) to advocate on the issues of occupancy data and bed category allocations. After rigorous discussion no resolution was able to be made between the ANMF and THS and as such the Grievance remains unresolved. It is anticipated that following the state-wide Nursing Hours per Patient Day (NHpPD) Committee meeting of 8 June 2021 a follow-up re-benchmarking endeavour is to be undertaken with the imprimatur of the resolved Business Rules underpinning the ANMF’s claims.

Mental Health Inpatient Unit (MHIU)

The ANMF have made enquiries with Statewide Mental Health Service (SMHS) management for a date/time to convene a member meeting in the RHH MHIU. Management have advised that a suggested time and venue will be notified ASAP following consultation with CNE’s as to the next available in-service time slot.

Mental Health Short Stay Unit (MHSSU)

On Wednesday 2 June the ANMF conducted a member meeting in the RHH MHSSU. As part of discussions, several concerns regarding workloads and staffing come to light and the ANMF have committed to pursue additional information on these themes on behalf of members. A letter to this effect will be sent as soon as practicable with a follow-up meeting anticipated if/when received.

Updates correct as at 10 June 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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