Public Sector Updates – South

Royal Hobart Hospital

Outpatient Oncology 8A

The ANMF conducted a member meeting on Thursday 15 July to obtain member feedback on the Tasmanian Health Service (THS) Step One Grievance response letter (dated 5 July 2021). Feedback was strong and direct and resulted in the passing of a resolution to escalate member concerns to a Step Two process. The ANMF has written to THS Management requesting the urgent convening of a Specialist Panel in an attempt to resolve the issues. Members will be notified via a separate email once a date/time for this meeting has been confirmed.

Neonatal Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (NPICU)

The ANMF, at the direction of members, has escalated concerns identified at the 24 June member meeting to a Step One Grievance, with an accompanying letter to this effect sent 15 July. The due date for response to this correspondence has been requested for 30 July – members will be forwarded this response for consideration once received with a follow-up member meeting to be scheduled ASAP thereafter.

Maternity Ward K7

The ANMF attended the Tasmanian Industrial Commission on Wednesday 14 July on behalf of members to advance the ongoing workload and staffing Grievance originally raised 24 February 2021. This meeting was productive with several actions imposed by the Deputy President – full details to be provided to members via a separate email. The ANMF has asked THS management for an urgent member meeting – details to follow via separate flyer once confirmed.

Midwifery Group Practice (MGP)

The ANMF attended a joint meeting with members and THS management on Wednesday 7 July to expand upon identified workload and staffing concerns within the unit emanating from the member meeting on  30 June. This meeting was well attended with thorough and productive discussions throughout, and the ANMF looks forward to continuing to work with members on identified concerns as well as building momentum towards the next Enterprise Agreement (EA) process in approx. 12 months-time.

Updates correct as at 22 July 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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