Aged Care Updates – Statewide

Japara Sandhill

The ANMF met with members at Japara Sandhill. Multiple issues were raised in this meeting. The ANMF has written to Japara Sandhill management to further progress the concerns that were raised. 

Masonic Care Tasmania

The ANMF met with members at Peace Haven and Fred French to discuss workload concerns. The ANMF has raised these concerns with the Facility Manager and will notify members of updates once received.

Medea Park

Resulting from both the ANMF survey and the recent member meeting, members raised concerns regarding payments. The ANMF has written to Medea Park seeking clarification of the payments of handover and backpay for the wage increase.

May Shaw Scottsdale (Aminya)

The ANMF has written to the CEO to seek clarification on measures to relieve workload concerns. The ANMF has not yet received a response, however, will update members when this is received.

Tandara Lodge

The ANMF has been contacted by members from Tandara who raised concerns with the employer’s proposed rollover of the Nurses Enterprise Agreement. ANMF officials will be onsite Tuesday 10 August. Come along and ask your questions, we look forward to seeing you. Click here to view the latest update.

May Shaw Swansea

The ANMF contacted Extended Care Assistants (ECA) members at May Shaw Swansea regarding the Change Impact Statement for change of shift times. The ANMF has written to management noting that as the proposed change to the spread of hours has no impact upon the total hours rostered for ECA’s members are comfortable with trialling the change. The trial is to ascertain if the proposed changes will improve safety outcomes for employees and residents/patients.

Updates correct as at 5 August 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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