Public Sector Updates – North

Launceston General Hospital (LGH)

Ward 5B

The ANMF met with Launceston General Hospital Ward 5B members on Wednesday 21 July. At the meeting the ANMF discussed the opportunity that was taken to liaise with management, prior to formally raising a Step One Grievance, to find solutions to members workload concerns. Please click here for update.

Holman Clinic

On Tuesday 27 July the ANMF met Holman Clinic members to discuss progress on the outcomes agreed as per the ‘Record of Proceedings’ from the Tasmanian Industrial Commission dated 10 November 2020. Members have advised that outstanding issues remain regarding the interim clinical support strategies and skill mix as well as back-filling of positions when incumbents are on leave. As a result, the ANMF has written to Tasmanian Health Service (THS) North management requesting the introduction of a supernumerary Grade 5 Clinical Coordinator to provide floor support, re-benchmarking, permanent pool staff to be allocated to the unit and consultation on 10 hour shifts. A response has been requested by Thursday 12 August and once received the ANMF will provide further update to members.

Emergency Department (ED)

On Tuesday 27 July the ANMF met with ED members to discuss the ongoing roll out of the 21.3 Full Time Equivalent (FTE). ED members have provided suggestions on the onboarding of the new FTE including what an appropriate skill mix is and clinical support of this skill mix. At the time of eNews the ANMF will have attended the second report back meeting with LGH management. Outcomes from this meeting will be provided by an email update.

Operating Room Suite (ORS)

On Thursday 29 July the ANMF met with ORS members to discuss progress on the Step 2 specialist panel recommendations. The ANMF has now received a response from THS and will shortly provide members with an email update and advice on the process moving forward.

Child Health and Parenting Service (CHaPS)

The ANMF met with members on Wednesday 4 August to follow up on workload concerns raised at the previous member meeting held in early July.

Ward 3R

The ANMF will be meeting with Ward 3R members on Wednesday 11 August at 1345hrs. This meeting will be to discuss progress made in relation to workload concerns raised back in May.

Updates correct as at 5 August 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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