Aged Care Vaccination Direction

Aged Care Vaccination Direction

The ANMF released a flyer to all members in the Aged Care Sector on Monday 16 August outlining the Direction and what this means industrially for members. This flyer incorrectly stated that the direction would apply to other members outside the Aged Care Sector, this is not the case, the Direction only relates to those in the Aged Care Sector. The flyer can be accessed here.

The ANMF will soon be providing comprehensive industrial details to all members affected by this direction, so please keep any eye out in your inbox. In addition, to the industrial and professional advice the ANMF will provide to members in the lead up to the Direction being applied on  17 September, the ANMF wish to remind members that Nurses and Midwives Support are also available 24/7 if you need additional support click here or phone 1800 667 877.

Updates correct as at 19 August 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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