Southern Cross Care (SCC) Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA)

Southern Cross Care (SCC) Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA)

They add that this is also to allow them to address COVID-19 matters, something they have been well funded by the Federal Government to do over the past 18 months. The ANMF has surveyed members for their opinion, and we will update members when the survey is complete, and we learn more.

The loss of the Executive People and Culture manager is not unexpected as, despite SCC telling the ANMF that their massive loss of managers and leaders in the last 18 months is normal and has no bearing on their activities, no other Tasmanian Residential Aged Care site is losing senior and experienced staff at the same rate. It would also appear that the CEO has no (or little faith) in the ability of her other executive staff to continue with the EA negotiations, despite the fact they have been sitting at the table for many of the EA meetings.

Updates correct as at 2 September 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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