ANMF Newsflash: Launceston General Hospital ED

As a result, ED members unanimously passed the following resolution:

‘LGH ED ANMF members have met today, Tuesday 21 September, to discuss the current and ongoing issues of access block in the department. Members note the following concerns:

  • The slow progress in recruiting to the 21.3 FTE
  • Persistent ramping of AT patients which creates an unsafe working environment, both physically and mentally
  • Staff turnover, loss of experienced staff members which increases skill mix pressure by diluting senior staff
  • Uncertainty regarding recruitment to the NUM position
  • Persistent bed block
  • Staff burnout
  • Current baseline roster gaps, up to 30 FTE
  • Senior management consistently appearing to ignore the problem

Noting these concerns, ANMF members at the LGH ED resolve that the ANMF take whatever action is required to ensure Tasmanian Health Service provide an interim safe staffing plan for nurses working in the LGH ED, while concurrently ensuring long term safe staffing plans are being established.’

The ANMF will now implement the strategy discussed with members on the day for resolution of this matter. Further updates to follow.

Read the PDF version here.

Updates correct as at 28 August 2020.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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