Private Sector Updates – Statewide

Calvary – Statewide

Calvary hospital management (across all sites nationally) are developing a policy around COVID 19 vaccination for their workforce (including volunteers and students). They have sent information to the ANMF Federal Office (and branches) and feedback on behalf of all branches will be co-ordinated by the Federal Office.  There are also likely to be onsite discussions at CHC in Tasmania. There is a quick turn around on responses with a reply due by 20 September.  However, the Public Health Order (issued by the Tasmanian Government) requiring workers to be vaccinated by 31 October 2021, continues to apply.

Calvary – North

St Vincent’s

The ANMF had the Clinical Consultative Workload Committee meeting. Workload issues for St James, St Johns, St Vincent’s theatre and St Vincent’s Cath lab were raised. The parties to the committee have reached an in-principle agreement on the Terms of Reference, however the ANMF continues to raise feedback on the type of data that will be helpful to analyse in order to resolve member workload concerns.

St John’s Ward

The ANMF has received notice that there will be structural changes made to management within St John’s. Further feedback regarding implemented strategies have been brought to the ANMF by Calvary – the ANMF will now take this to members for their feedback.

St James’ Ward

The ANMF held a meeting for members on Thursday 9 September 2021, regarding several workload forms that had been submitted by members. Unfortunately members did not attend and therefore the ANMF was unable to gather further information about the workload concerns experienced by members. While the workload forms are useful for collecting data, attendance at member meetings is imperative – as this is where decisions regarding ongoing industrial planning can be made. The ANMF will provide an overview of the issues experience by members out of session of the Clinical Consultative Committee. If you would like to provide feedback on suitable meeting times, please do not hesitate to contact us through our Member Support team.

Calvary South

St Luke’s

Workload issues were discussed at the Clinical Workload Consultative Committee meeting. Calvary provided that they would be forwarding formal correspondence to doctors within the organisation, requesting to reduce list length and avoid adding extras at short notice. Steps to improve skill mix and upskilling of junior staff are underway.

Lenah Valley

The ANMF conducted a meeting on Wednesday 15 September 2021 allowing members to meet with their local Organiser and to notify of any concerns.

CT/Neuro ward – The ANMF will shortly be circulating an ANMF workload survey specific to this ward. Please ensure your workplace details are correct to ensure you receive the survey.

If you would like a meeting to discuss individual ward/unit workloads please contact your Organiser Jane Pond on 62236777 or

Please continue to submit an ANMF Workload survey and a Calvary Workload form when you feel workloads are affecting patient care. Your name on the ANMF survey is optional but gives us a point of contact if there is a trend of workload issues in your area.

St. John’s

The ANMF conducted a meeting at St John’s on Wednesday 15 September 2021. This meeting enabled members to directly raise any concerns with their local ANMF Organiser.

Please continue to submit ANMF workload surveys and Calvary workload form when workloads are causing patient care issues. Your name on the ANMF survey is optional but gives us a point of contact if there is a trend of workload issues in your area.

If you would like a meeting to discuss individual ward/unit workloads please contact your Organiser Jane Pond on 62236777 or

Calvary Community Care

The ANMF has raised several member concerns with Calvary Human Resources. The ANMF is waiting for feedback from Calvary Home Care regarding the recent nurses meeting that discussed several of the issues raised by members.

Updates correct as at 16 September 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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