Public Sector Updates – North

Launceston General Hospital (LGH)

Emergency Department

Tasmanian Industrial Commission Update 4: The ANMF as a part of the Tasmanian Industrial Commission (TIC) process, have been provided with a copy of the Terms of Reference (TOR) for the soon to be established Patient Flow and Access Committee. The ANMF will collate this feedback and provide an update to the TIC at then next scheduled report back conference. Please click here for a comprehensive update.

Holman Clinic

On 19 October 2021 the ANMF met with Tasmanian Health Service (THS) North and North West management to progress annual benchmarking for the Day Oncology units across the region. Please click here for a comprehensive update on the discussion outcomes.


On 13 October 2021 the ANMF met with THS management to discuss details of the Step 1 Grievance for Northside.

Operating Room Suite (ORS)

On 6 October 2021 the ANMF attended the LGH Safe Staffing Committee (LGH SSC) meeting whereby the initial ORS safe staffing reports were presented as agreed out of the Step 2 Grievance process. The initial reports demonstrate that the yearly average of theatres being run each day is 6.39, with a monthly peak of 7 in February, March, May and June. At the next LGH SSC the ANMF will seek clarification on the staffing profile supplied for each of these averages. The ANMF will follow up with the agreed Step 2 outcomes that are linked to a report back in the first week of November. Click here to read more.

Ward 5B

The ANMF met with ward 5B members on 30 September 2021 regarding patient acuity, skill mix and workload. Prior to the meeting the ANMF was able to provide a brief to THS management detailing member concerns. Subsequently the following matters were presented at the meeting by the ward 5B Nurse Unit Manager (NUM).

Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) Meeting North and North West

On 21 October 2021 the ANMF attended the THS N/NW JCC meeting. At the meeting the ANMF raised available care parking, unauthorised access by the public through the Holman Clinic entrance to avoid COVID screening and sourcing local clothing supplies for scrub uniforms. In response the THS has advised that improved signage and a boom gate is to be installed to assist with keeping the public from parking in staff spaces. Increased signage has also been added to the Holman Clinic entrance to advise of the requirement to screen into the hospital. The THS will provide the ANMF with the procurement protocol that details the requirement for purchasing locally made goods and services for the THS. The ANMF will review this protocol and follow up further with the THS and the Government to ensure that at every opportunity local Tasmanian businesses are awarded supply contract.

Updates correct as at 28 October 2021.
Authorised by Emily Shepherd, ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary

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